
zǐ yàng běn
  • subsample
子样本[zǐ yàng běn]
  1. 我们考虑该重抽样的一些性质,以及光滑函数模型的相关最优子样本长度。

    We consider some properties of the resampling , and related optimal subsample lengths in smooth function models .

  2. 这一结果在发达国家子样本中也得到证实,但发展中国家子样本并未得到验证,反而是更高的老年抚养比对应更低的国际直接投资流出额。

    This conclusion has also been demonstrated by the subsample of developed countries , which however is not proved by the developing countries ' . On the contrary , in the developing countries the higher the old-age dependency ratio is , the lower the outflow of international direct investment becomes .

  3. 深圳湾口岸甲型H1N1流感染疫嫌疑人咽拭子样本检测结果及影响因素分析

    Detection on Throat Swab Specimens of Suspected Patients with Influenza A ( H1N1 ) and Analysis on Influence Factors at Shenzhen Bay Port

  4. 接着以1996年至2006年间的A股1098家IPO公司为样本,通过子样本的划分和收益测度方法的选择,对一级市场抑价率进行实证检验。

    Then , it selects 1098 IPO samples from 1996 to 2006 listed in A-Share market and tests their underpricing rate by dividing samples into groups and selecting return measurement methods .

  5. 在对国有银行子样本的分析中,回归结果表明本文的研究结论并不支持Jia(2009)所发现的如下经验结论:国有商业银行随着银行体系改革的不断深入,其经营行为变得越来越审慎。

    In the analysis of state-owned banks sub-sample , the result show that this paper does not support the view that with the deepening of reform , state-owned banks will become increasingly cautious .

  6. 从母女咽拭子样本中检出EV71肠道病毒核酸

    Enterovirus 71 nucleic acid detected from throat swab specimens of a pair of mother-daughter

  7. 此外,本文选用相关子样本进行数据分析以比较邮政EMS和主要民营快递在服务绩效、顾客满意以及二者关系三个层面上的差异。

    Moreover , the differences between China Post 's EMS and the main private-owned express service are also discussed from three aspects : the service performance , the customer satisfaction and the relationship between them .

  8. 在本研究中,我们获取了10株直接来源SARS病人粪便或咽拭子样本及其细胞传代培养物的SARS-CoV全基因组序列,并会同公共数据库中的115株SARS-CoV基因组序列进行了系统地比较分析。

    To investigate the origin , transmission , and other characteristics of SARS-CoV , we have sequenced ten SARS-CoV isolates from patient samples and viral cultures , and have analyzed these sequences in comparison with other 115 SARS-CoV sequences available in public databases .

  9. 已从其中143人身上采集了拭子样本。

    Swab samples have been collected from 143 people of them .

  10. 子样本数较少时的中位值控制图

    Median Control Chart based on a small number of subgroups

  11. 在受众测量中,重复调查涉及从原样本中再抽出子样本来评估抽样误差。

    In audience measurement , replications involve drawing subsamples from a parent sample to assess sampling error .

  12. 有感冒症状主诉的被检旅客已经送交医生并提取了拭子样本进行化验。

    The people tested had gone to general practitioners with complaints of flu-like symptoms and had swabs taken for testing .

  13. 子样本参数估计的使用可以帮助我们有效的避免一致估计渐进方差的难题。

    The use of subsample estimators helps to bypass the consistent estimation of the asymptotic variances of the parameter estimates .

  14. 即使加入不同的控制变量,控制不同的固定效应,并考虑不同子样本的情形,这一结果仍然稳健。

    Even though different control variables , fixed effect are added into the model , the result is also robust .

  15. 对某发病鸡场的50份泄殖腔拭子样本进行了检测,阳性率为84%(42/50)。

    50 cloaca swab samples from infected birds were detected , resulting in positive rate of 84 % ( 42 / 50 ) .

  16. 为进一步检验多因素模型结果的正确性,本文进行了子样本T检验,结果一致。

    To further test the results of multi-factor model , this paper operated sub-sample T-test , which showed the same results with the model .

  17. 当按照终极控制人的性质对样本进行分组回归时,各子样本股权结构和公司治理结构特征对公司价值的影响可以显示出来。

    Effects of ownership structure and corporate governance structure on firm value of each subsample can be displayed when regression is based on each subsample .

  18. 工具变量通过了严格的相关性和外生性检验,子样本敏感分析和控制变量方法保障了结论的稳健性。

    Instrumental variables related by a strict and outer test , sub-sample sensitivity analysis and control variables means to protect the stability of the conclusions .

  19. 在子样本区间,唯独2003-2007年区间财富效应由负转正,这与宏观经济所处的5年繁荣期也是吻合的。

    In sub-sample intervals , the wealth effect is positive only in 2003-2007 interval , and it is fit for the five-year prosperous of macro-economy .

  20. 重权数方法与重抽样方法类似,也是利用计算机的优势通过重复获得大量不同的子样本的重权数估计目标参数的估计量和方差估计量,是一种稳健、通用、有效的方差估计方法。

    Replicate weight , which is similar with replicated sample method , gets a lot of replicated weights to obtain the estimators by computer , it is also a robust , common and effective method .

  21. 在控制了其它相关变量后,结果表明,无论从总样本,还是子样本角度,非审计费用对盈余管理都没有显著的相关性。

    In the control of the other relevant variables , the results show that , in terms of the total samples , or samples of perspective , the cost of the non-profit management audit are not significantly correlated .

  22. 首先通过不同的标准划分成几个子样本进行描述性统计分析,这一分析表明我国上市公司中管理股权比例偏低,零股权现象非常普遍。

    It is the descriptive statistic analyze of several swatch sorted by a few kind of standard . It shows that the level of managerial equity is very low in China and " zero managerial stock holds " is very popular .

  23. 针对化工建模训练集样本数通常较少,特别是在分类后子类样本集过小的特点,应用了小样本建模的方法。

    For the problem of the small size sample usually occurring in chemical process , especially in the the subclass after classification or clustering , the solution for small size sample modeling is applied .

  24. 首先通过非线性映射将各类别训练样本映射到特征空间,然后在该空间内执行与子空间样本选择方法相同的选样过程。

    By the kernel mapping , the samples in the input space can be mapped into a high-dimensional feature space in which the selection processes similar to the subspace sample selection algorithm are performed .

  25. 最后给出了Recovery子系统的样本使用过程。

    As a conclusion , the sample use of the recovery subsystem has been given .

  26. 该算法以小波子带图像样本标准差为选择量化编码阈值的重要依据。

    In this algorithm , we selected the sample-standard-deviation as the key quantization threshold in every wavelet subimage .

  27. 该方法利用核函数替代子类凸包样本选择算法中的内积运算,从而巧妙的在特征空间中实现了子类凸包样本选择的过程。

    By replacing the dot product in the subclass convex hull sample selection algorithm with kernel functions , the proposed kernelized method is constructed .

  28. 同时,为保证各聚类子空间内样本的线性化度,采用新的综合聚类指标,并利用免疫遗传算法来求解该聚类问题,以克服迭代算法易陷入局部极小和对聚类初始化敏感的缺点。

    Moreover , in order to guarantee linearity within each subspaces , this paper adopts a new fuzzy clustering object function , and utilizes immune genetic algorithm to solve the new clustering problem , which not only avoids the local optima but also is robust to initialization .

  29. 它采用多孔平滑滤波器组对时间序列进行低通平滑处理,在所得到的多个尺度序列上生成平凡簇,然后将各个平凡簇的代表子序列作为数据样本进行聚类。

    It smoothes time series through a'trous-smooth-filters , and generates trivial clusters from the obtained scale sequences , then clusters on the representative subsequences of scale sequences .

  30. 对于故障测距,由于神经网络在样本较多的情况下难于收敛,本文提出了一种分块训练模式,使每个子模块中的样本数量大大较少,网络能比较迅速地收敛。

    Because neural network hardly converge in the situation of mass samples , a block model of training WNN for fault location , which can greatly reduce the number of the training samples of each sub-module and make neural network converge quickly , is presented .