
  • 网络Repeated sampling;Bootstrap;sampling with replacement;resampled;resampling
  1. 基于重复抽样Bootstrap方法的移动数据块算法的研究

    A Study on Moving Data Blocks Bootstrap Based on Repeating Sampling

  2. 本文利用重复抽样的方法,分别给出了简单线性结构型EV模型和一般线性结构型EV模型中的参数估计,并讨论了估计的强相合性与渐近正态性。

    By taking repetitive observations in this paper , parametric estimators are obtained respectively in a simple structural EV linear model and a linear structural EV model with vector explanatory variables . The strong consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimators are also discussed .

  3. 关于小样本不重复抽样总体频率的一种估计方法

    A method for estimating population frequency with non-repeated sampling of small samples

  4. 小样本不重复抽样时总体频率的一个区间估计

    An interval estimation of population frequency by unduplication sampling of a few samples

  5. 不重复抽样方式下的有限总体修正系数

    Finite Population Correction with the Unrepeatable Sampling

  6. 在文中详细介绍了自助法的原理,以及重复抽样的技术。

    In the second chapter it introduces the principle of bootstrap method and repeated sampling technologies .

  7. 而不重复抽样下的样本同分布但不独立,因而不是简单随机样本。

    While samples under non-repetition sampling are identically distributed but not independent , so they are not simple random samples .

  8. 借助于大数定律、重复抽样方法和非线性回归方法,分别建立了金文、小篆、汉隶和宋楷几个具有代表性的、不同时代的汉字系统直接构件关系模型。

    By means of the law of large number , repeated sampling method and nonlinear regression method , the direct component models are built up for Bronze Inscription system , Seal Script system , Official Script system and Song Dynasty Regular Script system .

  9. 群随机试验重复横断面抽样的费用效益设计

    Cost - efficient Design of Repeated Cross - sectional Sampling of Cluster Randomization Trails

  10. 一种纵向调查.对重复独立抽样的结果进行比较。

    A type of longitudinal survey design in which results from repeated independent samplings are compared over time .

  11. 桩基不重复随机抽样不合格桩数概率分布研究及其工程应用

    Research on probability distribution of the number of defective piles in testing pile foundation by random sampling without repetition and its application in Engineering

  12. 目的在满足需探查的最小干预效益及检验把握度的条件下,给出群随机试验重复横断面抽样的费用效益设计方法。

    Objective To establish approaches of cost-efficient design of repeated cross-sectional sampling of cluster randomization trails for specified values of the statistical power and treatment effect .

  13. 试材取自北京大兴县测定林,每无性系在3个重复中各抽样1株,伐倒取样。

    The test material comes from the test stands from Daxing , Beijing by sampling one tree from each of the 3 repeats for each clone .