
  1. 华为迄今尚未与英国的移动运营商签订过重大合同,但这种情况可能即将改变。

    Huawei has yet to strike significant deals with British mobile operators , but this may be about to change .

  2. 参与起草、审核公司重要的规章制度;管理公司的合同,参与重大合同的谈判和起草工作。

    Participate in the drafting and check of important rules ; supervise the contracts and participate in the negotiation and drafting of important contracts .

  3. 对此的改善说服了Dell签定了重大的合同:在未来7年内购买一千六百万美元的IBM零部件。

    Improvements of this order recently helped persuade Dell to sign a blockbuster pact to buy $ 16 billion worth of IBM parts over the next seven years .

  4. 目前华盛顿有传言称,出于美国的国家安全担忧,华为已不再是一笔重大设备合同的考虑对象。对于这一传言是否属实,华为表示尚未接到Sprint方面的正式通知。

    Huawei said it had not officially been notified by Sprint whether speculation in Washington that the Chinese company was no longer in contention for a major equipment contract because of US security concerns was accurate .

  5. 参与重大销售合同、采购合同的评审;

    Take part in the examination of important sales contracts and purchasing contracts .

  6. 同时承认和赋予政府有关部门在职权范围内依法对重大经济合同进行管理,对合同自由进行某些限制的规定,又是经济法的适度干预思想在新合同法中的体现。

    Meanwhile it confers and allows the government the provision that the concerned department manages the important economic contract by the law in the jurisdictional degree , and limits to the freedom of contract , and it embodies the thought of appropriate interference in the economic law .

  7. 该笔交易是中国公司在北美赢得的首个重大的基础设施合同。

    The deal is the first significant infrastructure win for a Chinese company in North America .

  8. 论重大自然灾害作为合同免责事由的原因力地震作为不可抗力事由免责规则研究

    The Research on the Regulation of the Contract Exemptions on the Grave Natural Disaster On Rule of Earthquake as a Force Majeure Excusation from Liability

  9. 重大自然灾害在合同法上被界定为不可抗力,作为法定的免责事由而免除当事人合同不履行的法律责任。

    The grave natural disaster is regarded as the irresistible force written in the contract law , and so it can be an exemption when the contract cannot be observed .

  10. 一位驻中国的能源企业高管表示:发电商关闭电站不是因为不可抗力(由于无法预测的重大事件而取消合同),而是因为不可抗价。

    The shutdown of power stations by the generators is not force majeure [ the canceling of contracts due to a major unforeseen event ] . This is price majeure , said a China-based energy executive .

  11. 截止目前,从江苏分公司实施情况看,各项指标平稳,未发现重大风险漏洞和合同纠纷,应该说项目推广与风险控制是卓有成效的。

    Up to now , the implementation of Jiangsu branch shows the indicators stable and we found no significant risk exposures and contract disputes , so we should be say that the project is to promote effective and risk control .

  12. 劳动合同的单方解除是劳动法上的一个重大问题,涉及合同效力、当事人的合同期待及利益得失等问题,倍受当事人及劳动立法机关的关注。

    The breaking of labor contract by one party has been a major problem in the implementation of labor law which concerns the effect of contracts and litigants ' expectation and interests so it has draw great intention from litigants and the legislative institutions .