
  • 网络Repeat;rscript;Iteration
  1. 对于Send操作重复执行上面的步骤。

    Repeat the above steps for the Send operation .

  2. 为包的每个递降层级重复执行这一模式。

    Repeat this pattern for each successively lower level of Packages .

  3. 利用可重复执行的交互式MATLAB软件,给出了鲁棒PID压力控制器的设计方法。

    Gives the way of designing robust PID pressure controller with MATLAB software .

  4. 同时,在移动Agent迁移执行过程中,利用一个可信平台进行限时执行检测,可以有效检测恶意主机的重复执行和阻塞攻击。

    Meanwhile , during the execution of mobile agent migration , it uses time limited algorithm for detecting the attacks of malicious hosts .

  5. 在为windows窗体应用程序构造窗体和控件时,要重复执行许多任务。

    As you construct forms and controls for your Windows Forms application , there are many tasks you will perform repeatedly .

  6. 然而更有价值的是,如果构建该软件所需的步骤是无需手工干预就可重复执行的,那么可以在Shell脚本描述这个过程。

    Better yet , if the steps required to build the software are repeatable without manual intervention , capture the process in a shell script .

  7. 这些步骤必须对每个新的samba用户重复执行。

    These steps must be repeated for every new Samba user .

  8. 然后是一个分子动态模拟(MD)被重复执行。

    Then a routine molecular dynamic simulation ( MD ) on said models was performed repeatedly .

  9. 一旦报告执行了,IBMCognosUpgradeManager就将在这两个文件夹中都显示一个锁,以避免意外的重复执行。

    Once the reports are execute the IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager will display a lock on both folders in order to avoid an accidental re-execution .

  10. Puppet和Capistrano可以把经常重复执行的任务捕捉到脚本中。

    Puppet and Capistrano can capture oft-repeated tasks in scripts .

  11. bash中的while循环可以重复执行语句一定的次数,或者一直执行到满足某一条件为止。

    A while loop within bash allows you to execute a statement a given number of times , or until a certain condition is met .

  12. 这是一种一次性过程,在用户本身从DCE注销之前不必重复执行。

    This is a one time process and need not be repeated every time until the user itself logs out of the DCE .

  13. 但是,通过使用AIX实用程序chpasswd(Linux系统也附带这个工具),可以简便地重复执行这些任务。

    However , using the AIX utility chpasswd ( which is also shipped with Linux variants ), these tasks can be carried out and repeated with ease .

  14. Memcached被设计用来将信息存储在内存中以避免每次在数据需要恢复时重复执行相同的任务。

    Memcached is designed to store this information in memory to save repeatedly performing that task each time the data is recovered .

  15. rept后面是一个数字,它指定.rept/.endr结构中表达式重复执行的次数。

    Rept is followed by a count in GAS that specifies the number of times the expression enclosed inside the . rept / . endr construct is to be repeated .

  16. 组装线上的工人重复执行一些被明确定义的任务,麦当劳的厨师、收银员和得来速(drive-thru)订餐员也同样如此。

    The assembly line worker repeatedly performs a few tasks that are specifically defined . So does the McDonald 's cook , cashier and drive-thru order taker .

  17. 在现代的处理器中,HLT停机指令节省了大量的电能与执量,空闲任务几乎总是由一个重复执行HLT停机指令的循环组成。

    On modern processors , where a HLT ( halt ) instruction saves significant amounts of power and heat , the idle task almost always consists of a loop which repeatedly executes HLTinstructions .

  18. 当语句需要重复执行时,一般使用这种方法。

    This is used when statements have to be executed repeatedly .

  19. 该过程需要重复执行。

    The process is then repeated for as long as needed .

  20. 数据收集工具已被取消运行。请重复执行步骤2。

    The Data Collection tool was cancelled . Repeat Step 2 .

  21. 好的测试不仅仅是重复执行相同的动作。

    Robust testing is more than just executing the same action repeatedly .

  22. 而是重复执行选择表或查询的步骤。

    Repeat the steps to select a table or query .

  23. 满足一定条件时重复执行的指令序列。

    A sequence of instructions executed repeatedly while a certain condition prevails .

  24. 当你想让相同的代码重复执行多次的话你可以使用循环声明。

    You can use looping statements in your code to do this .

  25. 换成带有参数标记的语句,一次准备,重复执行,这样做是十分可取的

    With one that has parameter markers and is prepared once and repeatedly executed

  26. 若要重复执行此过程,则必须将点火开关和检测仪关闭。

    To repeat the process , the ignition and tester must be switched off .

  27. 更换微动开关并重复执行功能检查。

    Replace microswitch and repeat the function check .

  28. 不管您将什么置于数据单元中,都要对表格中的每一行重复执行。

    Whatever you put into the data cell is repeated for each row in the table .

  29. 最显著的优点是,它节省了输入命令的时间,提供可重复执行的命令模式。

    The first and most obvious is that it saves typing and provides a repeatable pattern .

  30. 自动测试可以节省重复执行相同测试步骤的时间和精力。

    Automated testing saves you the time and effort of performing the same test steps repetitively .