
  • 网络recurrence;recurrence formula;recursive formula
  1. 不大于x的孪生素数个数的递推公式;

    The 2nd is not bigger than x the twin prime integer recurrence formula ;

  2. 自然数幂和公式系数的递推公式和有关Bernoulli数的计算公式

    A recurrence formula of the coefficient of the sum of natural numbers power and the calculating formula of Bernoulli Number

  3. 一类算子B样条的递推公式

    Recurrence Formula for B-Splines with Respect a Class of Differential Operators

  4. 梯形n端口网络的递推公式

    Iterative Formulae of Ladder n-Port Network

  5. 子样方差K阶递推公式

    Recurrence Formula of Sample Variance of K Order

  6. 本文得出了求n元集合等价关系个数的递推公式。

    This paper has given out the number of the translation formula of equivalence relation of a n-elements set .

  7. 它们不仅可以用来求解常义的最优策略,而且可以用来求解N阶最优策略,多目标非劣解以及其他问题,而这些是最优性原理不能概括、递推公式解决不了的。

    All of them do not be included in the reach of Bellman 's principle of optimality and solved by his recursive formulas .

  8. 最后,根据推导出递推公式算法,在DSP电参量实验装置上,运行电参量算法DSP实现程序,验证有效性和精确性。

    Finally , according to the formula derived recursive algorithms , run DSP Algorithm procedures on the DSP Experimental device .

  9. 三角域上的有理Lagrange插值曲面及其求值递推公式

    Rational Lagrange interpolation surface and recursion formula in triangles

  10. 本文对直列和环形的严格n中取连续k系统失效概率进行了讨论,给出了有关递推公式。

    A recursive failure probability formula of linear and circular strict consecutive-kout-of-n : F system for independent case is given in this paper .

  11. 关于二项分布、Poisson分布和几何分布的高阶矩的递推公式

    Recursive Formula of the Nth Moment of Binomial , Poisson Distribution and Geometric Distribution

  12. 基于离散B样条的一个新的递推公式,提出B样条曲线同时插入多个节点的新算法。

    Based on a new recurrent formula of discrete B-splines , a fast algorithm is presented for inserting a series of knots into a B-spline curve simultaneously .

  13. 通过牛顿-欧拉递推公式建立起封闭形式的动力学方程,计算出各个关节所需的驱动力矩,并用Matlab程序进行了仿真。

    The dynamics equation is established by Newton-Euler formula , and the joints ' moment is worked out and simulated with Matlab .

  14. 高阶Euler数的递推公式

    Recursion Formulas of Euler Numbers of Higher Order

  15. 采用组合数学中典型的型分配问题的求解方法,得到求取分配数的实用递推公式,从而提出针对(n,k)码的兼容最大编码容量的小量模块编码容量计算方法。

    The maximal little-piece compatible-code capacity was calculated using the applied recursion fomula , which was derived from the solution for classic allocation in combinatorics .

  16. 泛Cauchy型积分高阶导数的递推公式

    A Recurrence Formula of Higher Derivatives for the Integral of Universal Cauchy Type

  17. 高阶Bernoulli数的递推公式及其应用

    A Recurrence Formula for Higher Order Bernoulli Numbers and Its Applications

  18. 分段二次函数的Bernstein多项式的退化性及递推公式

    The deficiencies and recursive formulas of Bernstein polynomials for piecewise quadratic functions

  19. Mie理论递推公式计算散射相位函数

    Computing Scattering Phase Function by Recursive Formula of Mie Theory

  20. 对于AR(p)模型,可用W-R递推公式估计其自回归系数。

    Symmetrical W-R recursion formula is able to estimate autoregression coefficient of AR ( p ) model .

  21. 应用广义哈氏原理重看Newmark与其它时间递推公式

    A Review of Newmark And Other Time Stepping Formulae by Applying Generalized Hamilton Principle

  22. 介绍了温特斯法的基本理论及3个平滑方程的递推公式、初始值公式和预测模型公式,并依据其理论,采用VB6.0编程技术,设计了预测模型软件;

    Basic theory of winter method and recursion formulas of three smooth equations are introduced .

  23. ai+1,i>1这个新递推公式的作用是简化了系数计算的复杂性。

    A I + 1 , I > 1 By the recursive formula above , the complexity of coefficient calculating is greatly simplified .

  24. 本文推导了二维直角坐标系均匀网格FDTD基本算法递推公式,以及FDTD收敛条件。

    This article is derived the basic algorithm recursive formula of FDTD and its convergence condition on Two-dimensional cartesian uniform grid .

  25. 用构造函数法求几类广义Vandermonde行列式的递推公式

    Using the constructive method for some kinds of recursion formulas of generalized Vandermonde determinant

  26. 采用deBoor-Cox递推公式分别计算得一次、二次和三次基函数;

    And linear , conic and cubic basic functions are deduced by de Boor-Cox formula .

  27. 将众多的JN函数归纳为一个,发展了它的变态形式,并导出了JN函数级数形式的任意项系数的递推公式。

    We reduce the many original JN functions to one , expand it to modified form , and derive their characteristics .

  28. 选择预测控制理论中的Kalman滤波算法,对建筑结构主动控制参数的状态预测算法进行推导,建立了完整的递推公式。

    By using Kalman filtering algorithm chosen from the prediction control theories , a complete recursion formula is established after carrying out a derivation on the state prediction algorithm of architectural active control parameter .

  29. 本文给出离散Laguerre函数的三项递推公式和非结构模型的定义;

    In this paper , a three-term recurrence formula of discrete Laguerre functions and the definition of the unstructured model are given .

  30. 同时基于Newton-Euler方程得到各杆件速度、加速度的递推公式,最终构建出机器人动力学模型。

    The velocity and acceleration of the links can be derived from the recursive formula based on Newton-Euler equation .