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Chónɡ jiǔ
  • the Double Ninth Festival
重九 [chóng jiǔ]
  • [the Double Ninth Festival (9th day of the 9th lunar month)] 即重阳,阴历九月九日

  1. 云南重九起义在辛亥革命中的地位

    The Place of Yunnan " Chong Jiu Uprising " in XinHai Revolutions

  2. 我们这一次秋游,倒应了重九登高的旧俗。

    Visiting this time we , the Chongjiudegao should be inverted the old customs .

  3. 在他的领导下,取得了云南重九起义的胜利,为中国革命做出了贡献。

    With the leadership of him , Yunnan Double Ninth Festival Revolts have made contribution for Chinese revolution .

  4. 园内还保存著云南辛亥重九起义主要领导人唐继尧的陵墓。

    Park inside still keep the mausoleum of Tang jiyai who was the main leader of Chongjiu revolution in yunnan .

  5. 每年中国农历九月初九是重阳节,也被称之为重九节。

    The Chongyang Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar , so it is also known as the Double Ninth Festival .