
xiànɡ wǎn
  • evening;dusk
向晚 [xiàng wǎn]
  • [at dusk] 临近晚上的时候

  • 向晚的风很凉爽

  1. 向晚的天空对我来说像一扇窗扉,一盏点亮的灯,与那灯后的等待。

    The evening sky to me is like a window , and a lighted lamp , and a waiting behind it .

  2. 我领略世面最初、最生动的印象似乎得自于一个令人难以忘怀的下午,而且正是向晚时分。

    My first most vivid and broad impression of the identity of things , seems to me to have been gained on a memorable raw afternoon towards evening .

  3. 矿床H-O同位素地球化学特征反映成矿流体主要来源于岩浆,从成矿早阶段向晚阶段演化,大气降水混入不断增加。

    H-O isotope geochemical characteristics reflect that the ore-forming fluids come mainly from magma , and atmospheric precipitation increased in the ore-forming fluids from early to late stage .

  4. 向晚天发红,羊倌喜盈盈。

    A red sky at night is the shepherd 's delight .

  5. 花已向晚,飘落了灿烂。

    The fading blooms , fall with once yellow bright .

  6. 向晚时分,人们听说轮船到了。

    In the edge of the evening . a boat was heard coming along .

  7. 孤寂向晚的长短树信号所。

    The lonely Chang-Tuan-Shu Signal Station .

  8. 天色向晚,渡船又回到镇口摆渡去了,其余的小船也不见了。

    As twilight drew on , the ferryboat went back to her accustomed business and the skiffs disappeared .

  9. 天色向晚时,我们抵达马尔丹,这是一座闷热而繁忙的城市。

    It was late afternoon by the time we reached Mardan , which is a hot and busy city .

  10. 管泡长度由早材向晚村逐渐增加,白材管胞平均长度大于红材管胞长度;

    The tracheidal length is gradually increase from early wood to late wood , while the white wood is longer than the red one on the average ;

  11. 一大早,你就被这些马达吵得浮气躁,愈发感觉溽热难耐;向晚时分,斜阳夕照,湖面波光流动,这嗡嗡声却还像一团蚊子般不绝于耳。

    In the daytime , in the hot mornings , thesemotors made a petulant , irritable sound ; at night , in the still evening whenthe afterglow lit the water , they whined about one 's ears like mosquitoes .