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  • 网络favour black
  1. 中国水墨画的色彩审美有着尚黑的特点,并形成了独特的墨色语言系统,具有高度的艺术性和审美意义。

    The aesthetic characteristic of Chinese wash painting color is running after the black , and also has its own unique language system , with high aesthetic and artistic significance .

  2. 龙山文化中黑陶独特的“黑、薄、光、纽、挺”的艺术风格的形成,与当时高超的制陶技术、原始的尚黑观念、审美与实用结合的能动创造有着密不可分的联系。

    There are intimate contact , for example , excellent technology on pottery producing , primitive conception of worshiping black and dynamic creation between aesthetic standards and utility in th .

  3. 我国现行刑法典为打击涉黑犯罪提供了明确的法律依据,然而,尚属首次反黑立法之法还存在许多不够完善的地方,这给理论研究和司法实践提出了诸多新的问题。

    By Rule 294 of new Criminal Law becomes the fundation of combating with underworld crime , because of which as our country the first law against underworld society still exists a lot of short back and new Characteristics Emerge .