
chónɡ sù
  • reshape;remould
  1. 基础教育课程改革视阈中的大学理念重塑

    Remould the Idea of University in the Field of Elementary Education Revolution

  2. 商务方法专利将重塑旅游产业链

    Business Method Patents Will Remould the Industry Chain of Tourism

  3. 工党于20世纪90年代重塑形象,改称新工党。

    In the 1990s the Labour Party rebranded itself as New Labour .

  4. 陈规旧矩的崩塌正在重塑各个政党。

    The collapse of old certainties is reshaping the political parties .

  5. 我需要接受修复手术重塑一个鼻子。

    I needed reconstructive surgery to give me a new nose .

  6. 我们需要重塑执法机构的声望。

    We need to restore respect for the law-enforcement agencies .

  7. 他下决心把自己重塑成一个诗人兼作家。

    He was determined to reinvent himself as a poet and writer .

  8. 这个8,500万英镑的项目将包括全面重塑该航空公司的形象。

    The £ 85m programme will involve an extensive rebranding of the airline .

  9. 有计划要重塑得克萨斯州诸多门店的品牌形象。

    There are plans to rebrand many Texas stores .

  10. 优秀的作家从他们眼中的世界汲取体验,然后在纸上重塑自己的天地。

    Good writers suck in what they see of the world , recreating their own universe on the page

  11. 正如我们在新书《媒人》中所言,零售业正在重塑。

    The retail industry is getting reinvented , as we describe in our new book Matchmakers .

  12. 不过,导致Leah彻底重塑自我的却是另外一个兴趣。

    However , it was another interest that led Leah to radically reinvent herself .

  13. 我们最近跟瑜伽创业者Leahzaccaria聊了聊,她经受了改变的火焰,彻底重塑了自我。

    We recently caught up with yoga entrepreneur Leah Zaccaria , who put herself through the fire of change to completely reinvent herself .

  14. 即使你的个人重塑不那么彻底,我们认为她的经历也有可以借鉴的地方。

    Even if your personal reinvention is less drastic , we think there are lessons from her experience that apply .

  15. 没有哪一代人比你们这一代更有能力成为伸张正义、重塑世界的斗士。

    No generation has been better positioned to be warriors17 for justice and remake the world .

  16. 培养新技能、学习新知识、结交新朋友是重塑职业道路的常见和重要渠道。

    Developing new skills , knowledge and contacts are common and important routes to career reinvention .

  17. “牛油果手”非常普遍。英国整形重塑和美容协会想要提醒人们这一安全风险。一位医生建议说应该给牛油果贴上安全标签。

    It seems that avocado hand is so commonplace , the British Association of Plastic , Reconstructive and Aesthetic3 Surgeons wants to warn people about the safety risk , with one doctor suggesting a safety label to be placed on avocados .

  18. 加入WTO与重塑微观规制政策

    Entry into WTO and reshaping of micro-regulation policy

  19. 染色质重塑主要包括2种类型:一种是依赖ATP的物理修饰,另一种是依赖共价结合反应的化学修饰。

    Chromatin remodeling is achieved through ATP dependent physical modifications and covalent chemical reactions .

  20. 已有研究表明DNA顺式作用元件与反式作用因子之间的相互作用是染色质重塑和基因转录调节的基础。

    Present studies indicate that the interactions between trans-acting factors and corresponding DNA cis-acting elements are the basis of chromatin remodeling and gene transcription regulation .

  21. 目的了解无Q波型心肌梗塞病人有无左心室重塑。

    Objective To investigate non Q wave myocardial infarction ( NQWMI ) with or without left ventricular remodeling ( LVR ) .

  22. 应用ANGⅡ和ALD的受体拮抗剂可抑制心肌纤维化,预防心室重塑的发生。

    Their receptor antagonists may be useful in preventing cardiac fibrosis and remolding .

  23. 在1960年代,麦当劳重塑其形象,讨论了一些可能的新logo。

    In the 1960s , McDonald 's was retooling its image , which included discussing a possible new logo .

  24. 结论:MMP-2基因的表达与口腔黏膜下纤维性变组织重塑过程密切相关。

    Conclusion : The gene expression of MMP-2 might be closely related to the process of OSF tissue remodeling .

  25. CGE工程有限公司安全文化重塑研究

    Study on the Reconstruction of Safety Culture of CGE Engineering Corporation Lit

  26. NADPH氧化酶与Rho/Rho-激酶激活在外膜介导的血管重塑中的作用

    Role of NADPH oxidase and Rho / Rho-kinase activating in vascular remodeling mediated by adventitia

  27. 结论巩膜MMP-2表达升高可导致巩膜外基质(ECM)重塑,FDM形成。

    Conclusion Improvement of MMP-2 mRNA expression resulted sclera extracellular matrix ( ECM ) remodeling process to develop FDM .

  28. 老年与非老年初发EH者左心室重塑类型差别明显。我国采用的No。

    There was a significant difference in the proportion of left ventricular remodeling patterns between elderly and no-elderly newly-onset EH patients .

  29. 心脏局部肾素-血管紧张素系统(renin-AngiotensinSystem,RAS)与多种心脏疾病相关,如心肌梗塞、心脏肥大、心脏重塑、心衰等。

    Local cardiac renin-angiotensin system ( RAS ) is related to a variety of cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction , cardiac hypertrophy , cardiac remolding and heart failure .

  30. 目的观察缬沙坦对老年慢性非瓣膜性心房颤动(Af)患者左房重塑的影响并探讨其作用机制。

    Objective To explore the effects of Valsartan on left atrial remodeling in elderly patients with chronic nonvalvular atrial fibrillation ( Af ) .