
  1. 这两家公司的财力雄厚,工程技术人才储备充裕。

    Both are financially strong with deep reserves of engineering talent .

  2. 是宽口径“复合型”高级工程技术人才。

    Is broad caliber " composite " senior engineering and technical personnel .

  3. 构建科学的实践教学体系培养合格的工程技术人才

    Construct a scientific engineering practice education system cultivate high quality coming engineers

  4. 跨世纪工程技术人才业务素质的培养对策

    Countermeasures for the Professional Quality of the Engineering Personnel across the Century

  5. 3+1教学模式在培养高级工程技术人才中的运用

    Cultivation of Advanced Technology Talents by " 3 + 1 " Teaching Mode

  6. 铁路工程技术人才的培养和使用

    Medical science training and employment of engineering technical talents

  7. 改革电学实验课程,培养工程技术人才

    Reforming electrical experiment course training engineering technical person

  8. 以行业学会为平台,探索应用型工程技术人才的培养

    Exploring the Cultivation of Applied Talents in Engineering and Technology on the Platform of Industrial Associations

  9. 积极培养医学工程技术人才

    Training medical engineering technicians

  10. 论述了在工科专业实施“3+1”教学模式对于培养高级工程技术人才的必要性。

    Discusses how to implement 3 + 1 teaching mode in engineering course to train advanced technology talents .

  11. 美国没有独占工程技术人才,所以这种趋势将继续下去。

    The U.S. does not have a monopoly8 on engineering talent and I think this trend will continue .

  12. 如今,硅谷的印度裔高管已经数不过来了,尤其是在像谷歌这样高度重视工程技术人才的企业。

    Nowadays , Indian executives are over-represented across Silicon Valley , especially at businesses that prize engineering talent , such as Google .

  13. 强化毕业设计或论文环节,从而达到培养制药工程技术人才的目的。

    The project or thesis should be strengthened By this , it can be gained ends of training high quality pharmaceutical engineering talents .

  14. 在经济建设中工业建设占着重要的地位,需要数量多、质量高、留得住的高层次工程技术人才。

    Industrial construction plays a key role in economic development . This will need many , high-quality , reliable and high-level scientific and technological talents .

  15. 从而说明教学实习是造就工程技术人才基本素质的重要课堂。

    And it also shows that the teaching practice is an important classroom in which the basic qualities of qualified scientists and technicians can be trained .

  16. 本专业主要为化工、轻工、医药、食品、环保及其相关领域的企业培养应用化学的工程技术人才。

    The Major aims at developing application-oriented technical talents engaged in the field of modern material preparation , material forming process and material structure testing controlling .

  17. 工程技术人才对经济与社会的发展有着不可替代的作用,工程技术人才的质量直接决定着一个国家的核心竞争力。

    Economic and social development is inseparable from engineering and technical personnel . The quality of engineering and technical personnel directly determines the competitiveness of a country .

  18. 给出了地方理工科高等院校计算机教育体系的架构设想,从课程设置、课程体系、教学实验、科研实践等多个方面做了阐述,为多方面培养工程技术人才奠定了基础。

    Finally , Framework of Computer Educational System is constructed from the perspective of curriculum design , curriculum system , teaching experiment and research practice , which lays foundation to cultivate talents in different aspects .

  19. 进入21世纪,中国成为全球重要的生产中心的趋势日益明显,市场迫切需要一大批高素质的工程技术人才。

    Entering into 21st century , the trend for china becoming the important production center of the global is increasingly evident . The market requires urgently a lot of high quality of engineers and technology talents .

  20. 随着世界扁平化和经济全球化的到来,如何实现高等工程技术人才在国际范围内的自由流动和转移,成为当前各国高等工程教育改革迫切需要解决的问题。

    With the advent of world flat and economic globalization , how to implement free movement and transfer among advanced engineering and technical talents at the international level has becomes an urgent issue for national Engineering Education reforms .

  21. 以应用物理专业为例,讨论了以培养理工结合的、宽厚型、复合型的高级工程技术人才是一种创新人才培养模式。

    In terns of the specialty of applied physics the paper discusses the mode of training innovative personnel , which will cultivate advanced engineering personnel with a wide range of knowledge and a combined education of physics and engineering .

  22. 本文旨在探讨道路勘测设计实践教学新形式、新理念,融理论教学和实践教学为一体,为培养符合社会经济发展要求的道路工程技术人才提供思路。

    This paper is to aim at discussing a new form and concept in teaching " Road Survey and Design ", It also voices the opinion on integrating theory into practice and providing thoughts for cultivating talents for economic development .

  23. 他补充说,“意志坚定的竞争者”通常无论如何都会找到绕开专利的途径,而这使得开源成为“吸引、激励世界上最有才华工程技术人才的最佳方式”。

    He adds that a " determined competitor " can usually find a way around patents anyway , and that taking an open source position is the best way " to attract and motivate the world 's most talented engineers . "

  24. 文章就材料电子复合型工程技术人才的必然性、专业定向、培养目标和课程设置进行了讨论,因而确定了3+3三主三副的专业方向和3+3+4的知识能力素质结构。

    The paper discusses the inevitability , speciality goal , cultivating object and curricula setting of complex talent of materials and electronics engineering . Then it advances the " 3 + 3 " speciality goal and " 3 + 3 + 4 " knowledge structure .

  25. 讲述了高校实习环节对培养高素质工程技术人才的重要性,分析了目前金工实习教学中普遍存在的问题,提出了金工实习教学改革的主要内容。

    This paper expounds the importance of the practice link in University on cultivating the high-quality engineers , analyzes on the problems existing in the current teaching of the metalworking practice , and advances some main contents of the teaching reform of the metalworking practice .

  26. 对于培养专业工程技术方面人才的高校来说,PLC的教学显得尤为重要。

    To colleges and universities which cultivate talents of professional engineers , PLC teaching is particularly important .

  27. 工程技术专业人才培养的思路与实践

    Thought and Practice on Talent Cultivation of Engineering & Technology

  28. 工程技术创新人才培养模式

    Training mode for innovative talents in engineering technology

  29. 市政工程技术专业人才培养方案改革探索

    The Reformation and Exploration into the Talent training plan of Municipal Engineering Technological Majors

  30. 产学结合在港口工程技术专业人才培养中的实践

    The Practice of Combining Production with Study in Talents Cultivation of Port Engineering Technology Specialty