
ɡōnɡ yè dà xué
  • polytechnic university
  1. 此外,利用SWMM软件对天津工业大学新校区的排水系统概化处理后,模拟了校园雨水排水过程。

    In addition , the use of SWMM software for the new campus of Tianjin Polytechnic University , none of the drainage system after treatment , stormwater drainage process simulated the campus .

  2. KAB创业项目于2006&2007年度在中国青年政治学院、清华大学、北京航空航天大学、黑龙江大学、天津工业大学、北京青年政治学院6所院校进行为期一年的项目试点工作。

    KAB venture project tried as a one-year pilot project in China Youth University for Political Sciences , Tsinghua University , Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics , Heilongjiang University , Tianjin Polytechnic University , Beijing Youth College for Political Science during 2006 and 2007 year .

  3. 安徽省的合肥工业大学宣布延迟一周开学,同时要求师生返校前居家隔离一周。

    Meanwhile , Hefei University of Technology in east China 's Anhui province has delayed the start of the upcoming spring semester for a week , requiring its teachers and staff to home-quarantine for a week before returning to campus .

  4. 虚拟油泥造型系统(VirtualClayModelingSystem)是西北工业大学开发的一种新的汽车外形设计系统。

    A new kind of computer aided modeling , Virtual Clay Modeling ( VCM ) System , is developed in Northwestern Polytechnical University .

  5. 在对当地硕士课程进行研究后,她很快锁定了慕尼黑工业大学(TechnicalUniversityofMunich)。

    Her search for a university master 's program quickly brought her to the Technical University of Munich .

  6. 哈尔滨工业大学研制的HIT-1型三轴飞行仿真转台中框由于存在设计上不可避免的偏载负载力矩,影响了其响应速度和动静态精度的进一步提高。

    Inclined load exists in the middle frame of HIT-1 Three axis Aircraft Simulator designed by Harbin Institure of Technology .

  7. 论文还探讨了该系统在广州工业大学交通运输中心的实际应用问题,并把线性规划算法(linearprogramming)应用到车辆调度的实际系统中。

    Moreover , the system 's application to the traffic center of Guangdong University of Technology is studied , adopting Linear Programming ( LP ) .

  8. 介绍哈尔滨工业大学二校区采用代理服务器以NAT技术作为防火墙实现对校园网和Internet的安全访问。

    This paper introduces the realization of safety visit to Intranet and Internet by applying the NAT technique .

  9. 论文第四章对STEP标准提案STEP/PDMschema中的产品信息模浙江工业大学硕士学位论文摘要型的构成进行了详细的研究和讨论。

    In chapter 4 , the product information model on STEP / PDMschema is discussed in detail .

  10. 科学日报(08年5月25日)&代尔夫特工业大学的研究者首次对DNA分子损伤的自主修复进行实时观测。

    ScienceDaily ( May25,2008 ) & For the first time , researchers at Delft University of Technology have witnessed the spontaneous repair of damage to DNA molecules in real time .

  11. 功率超声法研究了沉淀温度和功率大小的影响,结果表明较低沉淀温度浙江工业大学硕士学位论文和大功率超声波有利于催化剂中CuO和Zno组分的分散和活性的提高。

    It was found that lower precipitation temperature and higher power is favorable to activity of the catalysts prepared by ultrasound method .

  12. 介绍了太原工业大学近年开发的TG型氧化铁系列脱硫剂的性能及应用。

    A series of TG type iron chide desufurbor with their properties are recommended for fine purification of variety of industrial gases from H2S .

  13. 利用吉林工业大学的开发型驾驶模拟器(ADSL驾驶模拟器)验证了评价指标与驾驶员主观评价的相关性,相关系数达到099以上。结果表明,本文提出的客观定量评价指标是合理、可信的。

    The consistence of the closed loop objective evaluation index with subjective evaluation has been testified by using ADSL driving simulator .

  14. 由沈阳工业大学研制的MW级变速恒频风电机组属于变桨距型机组,它在额定风速以上进行变桨距调功控制。

    MW variable speed constant frequency wind turbine from shenyang university of technology is a variable pitch wind turbine , it can change pitch to adjust power above rated wind speed .

  15. 本文阐述了哈尔滨工业大学在电子转移数约为1.3的α-Ni(OH)2和更高电子转移数镍氢氧化物的合成、精细结构、稳定性和电化学行为方面的研究。

    The research works done in Harbin Institute of Technology on synthesis , fine structure , stability and electrochemical behavior α Ni ( OH ) 2 with NEE about 1.3 or more were also explained .

  16. 全自动IC芯片焊线机,是广东工业大学机电工程学院已研发出来的一套微电子封装设备。

    Automatic IC chip welding wire machine , however , is a set of microelectronics packaging equipments which has benn developed by the College of mechanical and electrical engineering Guangdong University of Technology .

  17. 文章分析了EDA技术及其课程的主要特点,介绍了广东工业大学信息工程学院进行EDA教学实践的情况。

    This paper analyses the main features of the course of EDA , and introduces EDA teaching practice at Faculty of Information Engineering in Guangdong University of Technology .

  18. 这个过程的基础是各级库的存在。3、提出了系统级设计中IP映射与平台映射分离的正交设计概念和方法,11合肥工业大学博士学位论文并据此提出了新的基于平台的设计流程。

    The basic of this process is the existing of each level library . 3 The conception and methodology on orthogonalization of separation between IP mapping and platform mapping in system level design is proposed for the first time .

  19. 本文首先介绍了西北工业大学ASIC研究室开发的NPU超大规模集成电路计算机辅助设计系统中PLA设计工具包的基本功能。然后介绍了优化PLA的实现和版图实现的基本原理。

    This paper introduces briefly the basic functions of PLA design tools in NPU VLSI CAD System , developed by the Asic Research Laboratory of Northwestern Polytechnical University .

  20. 在研究FMS调度控制策略的基础上,以广东工业大学CAM中心的FMS为对象,建立了一个实用的FMS生产作业调度控制系统。

    Based on a study on the scheduling control tactics of FMS , a practicable production scheduling control has been established with the FMS in the CAM center of Guangdong Poly-Tech-nic University as the object .

  21. 主要介绍了美国罗克韦尔自动化AB公司智能固态过载继电器E3Plus的功能、特点及其在河北工业大学罗克韦尔自动化智能电器实验室中的应用实例。

    The function , features of E3 Plus intelligent solid overload relay of rockwell Automation A-B company were introduced . An application example in HeBei University of Technology-Rockwell Automation intelligent electrical apparatus laboratory was given .

  22. 在浙江工业大学水力学实验室的直流式水洞中利用三维粒子图像测速仪(PIV)等先进的量测技术,在不同的掺气浓度条件下,对空化区流速场和压力场进行了测量与分析。

    Velocity Field and pressure Field in cavitation region with different air concentrations were observed in details by using three-dimensional Particle Image Velocimetry in the Hydraulics Laboratory at Zhejiang University of Technology .

  23. 肝组织标本进行常规HE染色及HLA-I的免疫组化染色,并应用JVCKY-F30B3-CCD摄像头采集图像,北京航空航天工业大学CM-2000B型多媒体真彩色图文分析系统对肝脏HLA-I分子进行图像分析定量。

    Normal HE staining and HLA-I immunohistochemistry staining of the liver tissue specimens were performed , morphometric quantitative were made .

  24. 基于DB2的PDB的开发由德国德累斯顿工业大学生物技术中心MariaTeresaPisabarro的结构生物信息学研究小组完成。

    The development of the DB2-based PDB was done in the Structural Bioinformatics research group of Maria Teresa Pisabarro , Biotechnology Center , Technical University Dresden , Germany .

  25. 加入分散剂CH-10B,PU/SiO2纳米复合材料的拉伸强度和断裂伸长率分别比未加分散剂时浙江工业大学硕士学位论文提高了48.5%和4.2%。

    With the add of dispersant CH-10B , the tensile strength and elongation at break of PU / SiO2 nano-composites increased 48.5 % and 4.2 % respectively .

  26. 结果表明:对于Ti-17钛合金,西北工业大学工学硕士学位论文通过控制变形量以得到球化率不同的组织结构,从而获得不同力学性能是完全可行的。

    It shows that , obtaining different mechanical property by controlling the strain which makes different microstructure is doable .

  27. WI输入法是哈尔滨工业大学计算机学院语言技术中心网络智能研究室研发的一款面向苹果平台的中文语句级输入法。

    WI input method is developed by Web Intelligence Research Center of computer science department of Harbin Institute of Technology . And it is a statement-level Chinese input method .

  28. 简要介绍了TRS信息发布检索系统的功能和性能,以及广东工业大学图书馆利用TRS全文数据库作为建设和开发专题数据库的平台的过程、方法。

    The paper introduces the function and capability of TRS ( Text Retrieval System ), and describes the process and method of special-topics database of our library with TRS .

  29. 本论文的研究内容是西北工业大学航空微电子中心所承担的国家十·五预研项目(项目编号41308010307)的一部分,完成了PC104工控系统SOC芯片龙腾S1中存储子系统的分析、设计和验证。

    The work in this thesis was part of a National 05 ' project ( project number 41308010307 ) . and accomplished the design , implementation and verification of " LongtiumSl " memory subsystem .

  30. EllenHazelkorn是爱尔兰都柏林工业大学的研究生院院长、研究和企业负责人。

    Ellen Hazelkorn is Director of Research and Enterprise , and Dean of the Graduate Research School at the Dublin Institute of Technology , Ireland .