
  • 网络WorkBook;Excel;book;xlsx
  1. 文件底部部分(最后一个工作簿完了之后)存储在bodyfooter.txt中。

    The bottom portion of the file , after the last workbook is finished , is stored in body_footer.txt .

  2. 若要向工作簿添加xml数据,请打开工作簿,然后单击“xml映射”。

    To add XML data to a workbook , open a workbook , and then click XML maps .

  3. 然后这些松散的页面会被组合成为工作簿(book)。

    Loose pages are then grouped into book .

  4. 宏技术;Excel的层层设防与工作簿的安全保护

    Macro ; The Successive defence of Excel and Safety Measures of Working Book

  5. 您可以从excel或电子邮件程序发送工作簿。

    You can send a workbook from Excel or from your e-mail program .

  6. 对话框定位到excel工作簿文件。

    Dialog box to locate the excel Workbook file .

  7. 指定excel工作簿文件的路径。

    Specify the path of the excel Workbook file .

  8. 一种组织XML结构的方式是模拟Excel工作簿的物理结构。

    One way to structure the XML is to mimic the physical structure of an Excel workbook .

  9. 在“查找范围”列表中,单击包含要打开的工作簿的驱动器、文件夹或internet位置。

    In the look in list , click the drive , folder , or Internet location that contains the workbook that you want to open .

  10. 在本例中,您采用了文件顶部部分一直到定义第一个工作簿的地方,并将它们放入bodyheader.txt中。

    In this case , you take the top portion of the file up to the point where the first workbook is defined and put that into body_header.txt .

  11. “打开一个新的excel工作簿,您可以在其中输入组织结构图数据。”

    " Opens a new EXCEL workbook where you can enter your organization chart data . "

  12. 在项目工作簿代码文件中,向startup事件处理程序添加下面的代码。

    Add the following code to the startup event handler in the project workbook code file .

  13. 演示如何保存所有打开的工作簿,以xml格式保存当前工作簿以及保存工作簿的备份副本。

    Demonstrates how to save all open workbooks , save the current workbook in XML format , and save a backup copy of a workbook .

  14. 现在,处于try错误处理语句中,继续从Excel工作簿收集信息,我们先从它的工作表开始。

    Now , staying within the try error handling statement , proceed to gather information from the Excel workbook , starting with its sheets .

  15. 如果选中此复选框,则在web部件标题栏中自动创建一个超链接,当用户单击该链接时,将在浏览器窗口中显示工作簿。

    Select this check box to automatically create a hyperlink in the web part title bar that , when clicked by a user , displays the workbook in the browser window .

  16. 如果您录制一个宏并用“autoopen”这一名称保存它,每次您打开包含此宏的工作簿时,它都会运行。

    If you record a macro and save it using the name " auto_open ", the macro will run whenever you open the workbook that contains the macro .

  17. 打开或切换到excel,再打开希望将该数据添加到的工作簿。

    Open or switch to excel , and then open the workbook that you want to add the data to .

  18. VBA提供从关闭的工作簿文件中检索值的方法。

    VBA does not include a method to retrieve a value from a closed file .

  19. 论文的核心部分给出了基于Excel工作簿的风险分析系统的详细设计方案。

    In the kernel part of this paper , the design of the Excel based risk analysis system is given in detail .

  20. 但是,当您通过单击“文件”菜单上的“打开”在excel中打开工作簿时,该宏无法运行。

    The macro cannot be run , however , when you open the workbook in excel by clicking open on the file menu .

  21. 应用Excel的工作簿函数和VBA,解决了测量不确定度的自动计算、数据修约和数据规范化表示问题,达到了测量不确定度的自动评定之目的。

    Apply Excel function and VBA to solving auto evaluation of uncertainty in measurement , data rounding and data standardization .

  22. Excel的层层设防与工作簿的安全保护大跨度超长超高双层皮带钢通廊安装技术

    The Successive defence of Excel and Safety Measures of Working Book ; Assembling technology of the large-span ultra-long and ultra-high double belt steel vestibule

  23. 示例PHP应用程序构建一个ExcelXML文件,其中为原始数据和PivotTable分别具有一个工作簿。

    The example PHP application builds an Excel XML file that has one worksheet for the raw data and another for the PivotTable .

  24. 如果每个Excel电子表格中的第一行都包含列名,那么该混合将足够灵活,可以处理多个Excel工作簿。

    If the first row in each Excel spreadsheet contains column names , this blend could be flexible enough to work with several Excel workbooks .

  25. 保存在兼容模式下打开的工作簿时,excel会自动运行兼容性检查器以标识任何可能的兼容性问题。

    When you save a workbook that is opened in compatibility mode , excel automatically runs the compatibility checker to identify any possible compatibility issues .

  26. 微软声称Gemini能够“在单独的Excel工作簿中操作数百万行的数据”。

    Microsoft claims that it can be used for " manipulating millions of rows of data into a single Excel workbook " .

  27. 如果工作簿还没有关联文件名,则使用filename。

    If there is not yet a file name associated with the workbook , then filename is used .

  28. 读取Excel工作簿的第一步是准备使用ApachePOI和其他必要的类。

    The first step in reading an Excel workbook is to prepare to use the Apache POI and other necessary classes .

  29. 本文主要内容是作者根据自己在设计与实现基于Excel工作簿的风险分析系统过程中所做工作写成的。

    The content of this paper is based on the work done by the author in designing and implementing the risk analysis system based on the Microsoft Excel workbook .

  30. 您的工作簿包含尚未与sharepoint网站同步的对sharepoint列表的更改。

    Your workbook contains changes to a SharePoint list that have not been synchronized with the SharePoint site .