
  • 网络industrialization level
  1. 其次,以非农产业增加值占GDP的比重代表工业化水平进行产业效益的OLS分析。

    Secondly , it gives a industry OLS analysis by taking the Proportion of non-agricultural industries added value as industrialization level index .

  2. 它直接反映了一个国家工业化水平的高低和现代化程度。

    It has reflected a national industrialization level and the modernized degree .

  3. 通过因子分析法选取了13个指标,利用SPSS对21个省区域工业化水平进行了评价。

    13 indexes are selected according to the factor analysis , and regional industrialization levels of 21 provinces are evaluated by SPSS .

  4. 最后,从人均产出、能源消耗、工业化水平、资本深化、财政分权和FDI等角度考察了环境生产率的决定因素。在此基础上,本文给出了相关政策建议。

    Finally , This paper explores the determinants of TFP with taking into account environment from the perspective of GDP per capita , energy use per capita , industrialization , capital-deeping , fiscal decentralization and FDI and puts forward some related policy proposes according to the results .

  5. 随着工业化水平的提高,空气的污染也越来越严重,由于吸入不洁净的空气而导致的呼吸系统疾病正越来越引起人们的重视。

    With the progress of industrialization , air is being polluted increasingly .

  6. 湖南工业结构及其工业化水平研究

    A study on the industrial structure and standard of industrialization of Hunan Province

  7. 中国各省新型工业化水平的统计分析

    The Multi-targets Factor Analysis of New Industrialization of China

  8. 河南省工业化水平与工业结构分析

    Analysis of Henan Province Industrialization Level and Industrial Structure

  9. 江西工业化水平分析及发展对策研究

    An Analysis of the Standard of Industrialization in Jiangxi Province and Development Strategies

  10. 中国工业化水平的综合考察

    Integrated Investigation On the Level of Chinese Industrialization Development

  11. 关于天津市工业化水平的分析

    Analysis of the phases of industrialization in Tianjin

  12. 城镇用地扩展的主要驱动力是工业化水平的提高。

    The main cause of the sprawl of town was the advance of industrialization lever .

  13. 青海省工业化水平评价指标研究

    Study on Qinghai 's Industrialization Level

  14. 随着我国工业化水平不断提高,对润滑脂高低温性能的要求也不断提高。

    High and low temperature performance of the grease is required with the development of industrialization .

  15. 同时县域农业发展差距问题日益显现,工业化水平发展不协调。

    County agriculture development gap has become increasingly apparent , the level of industrialization uncoordinated development .

  16. 第一个五年方案开端时,我国的工业化水平是极低的。

    When the first Five-Year Plan begin , industrialization of our country level be extremely low .

  17. 前者主要包括国家工业化水平和从工业化向信息化的转变速度。

    The former mainly includes country 's industrial developing standard and transforming speed from industrialization to informationization .

  18. 但是,也有一些问题的执行情况,建议的工业化水平不同制造商。

    However , there are some problems in implementation , the recommended level of industrialization of varied manufacturers .

  19. 运用霍夫曼比例和其他相关理论分析了安徽工业化水平;

    This article , on one hand apply Hoffman rate and other relevant theory to analyze the standard of industrialization ;

  20. 温室气体(例如二氧化碳)的排放部分原因是由于燃烧煤炭,石油供应交通和电力需求。该协议设定了相应目标,防止全球平均温度上升幅度高出工业化水平以前的2摄氏度。

    Greenhouse gas s , such as carbon dioxide , are created by burning oil and coal for transportation and electricity .

  21. 随着工业化水平的提高,仓储系统由普通的人工叉车形式向自动化立体仓储系统发展。

    With the development of industrialization , the storage system is changing from the ordinary forklift system to the automatic tridimensional system .

  22. 江西产业发展中的主要问题是工业化水平低、产业加工度不高、产业投资存在明显的逆比较优势倾向、产业经济成分结构不合理,从而整体经济效益水平不高。

    The paper analyses the key problem of Jiangxi 's industry development , such as low level of industrialize , reasonless industrial structure etc.

  23. 老工业基地新型工业化水平评估及发展研究&以辽宁为例

    A Study on the Level of New-type Industrialization and on Corresponding Patterns of Regional Development in Liaoning & Take Liaoning as the Example

  24. 随着我国工业化水平的不断提高,航天、半导体等行业对真空泵的需求也逐步提高。

    With the improvement of modern industrialization , the demand for VP is gradually increased , especially in the aerospace and semiconductor field .

  25. 自改革开放以来,长沙市飞速发展,城市化、工业化水平越来越高。

    Since the reform and open policy to other countries , Changsha city has been developed exponentially . It is more urbanized and industrialized .

  26. 其中,城镇化和工业化水平又是重庆市土地综合利用变化的主导性驱动力。

    In quantitative test , it has been found that urbanization and industrialization are the dominant driving force for the land-use change in Chongqing .

  27. 对于工业化水平落后的连云港市来说,加快工业化进程,是带动该地区经济持续、快速、健康发展的战略选择。

    So acceleration of industrialization process is the strategic choice for Lianyungang to promote sustained , rapid and sound development of Lianyungang 's economy .

  28. 内部各省区之间的生产要素互补性、工业化水平差异以及产业结构的异质性是整个泛珠三角经济区产业分工合作的基础。

    The differences of production elements 、 development levels and industry structures among different provinces are the bases of regional cooperation in Pan-Pearl River Delta .

  29. 特别是西部地区,工业化水平还很低,有些省份甚至还处于工业化的初期阶段。

    Especially in the western region the level of industrialization is still very low , some provinces is even in the early stages of industrialization .

  30. 本文通过实证研究,分析了各地区工业化水平的提高对转移农村剩余劳动力的贡献。

    With the empirical research , this paper analyzes the contributions to rural labor transfer promoted by the improvement of the industrialization level in different .