
  1. 什么字由五个字母组成,减去两个字母只余一?

    What word of five letters has only one left when two letters are subtracted ?

  2. 在电脑字体一统天下之前,霓虹招牌上的中文字由书法大师起草,再由师傅按照这个底稿进行制作。

    Before computer fonts took over , master calligraphers drafted the Chinese characters , making sketches that were traced by sign makers .

  3. 名称中的“黄”字由影响一些患者的黄疸使眼睛和皮肤颜色发黄而得到解释。

    The " yellow " in the name is explained by the jaundice that affects some patients , causing yellow eyes and yellow skin .

  4. ГОСТ标准总线上传输的数据格式采用双极性归零码,数据字由32位组成。

    On the basis of this , data transmission format of standard ГОСТ bus made use of bipolar zero code , its data consisted of 32-bit .

  5. 黑人雅痞。这个字是由blackyuppie两字合成而来。yuppie(n.)雅痞黑人雅痞比雅痞还糟吗?

    buppie ( n. ) Are buppies worse than yuppies ?

  6. 采样速率、滤波器转折频率和输出字速率由AD7760的外部时钟频率与配置寄存器共同设置。

    The sample rate , filter corner frequencies , and output word rate are set by a combination of the external clock frequency and the configuration registers of the AD7760 .

  7. 中国字是由“象形字”演变而来。

    Chinese character is evolved in " pictographic character " .

  8. 合体字是由两个或几个独体字(或偏旁)合成的字。

    Compound characters are composed with two or several single characters ( or radicals ) .

  9. 本文共32000余字,由引言、正文和结语三部分组成。

    This essay with 32000 words consists of three parts including preface 、 main part , conclusion .

  10. 在数字计算机中,一个字是由一定长度的一组字节所组成。

    In a digital computer , a word is a group of bits with a specified length .

  11. 本硕士论文约三万三千字,由前言和四章构成。

    This master 's dissertation is about 33 , 000 words , it has four chapters besides a foreword .

  12. 西方的字是由左而右,中国字由上而下。

    Western words are written from left to right , Chinese characters are usually written in a descending manner .

  13. 嫁:这个字是由“”字加上“”字构成,表示一个女子结婚成家。

    This character , derived by adding home () to woman (), provides an incentive for a girl to marry .

  14. 钢字托架由一组电机、丝杠和丝母完成钢字托架横向移动。

    The steel letter bracket completes the transverse move of the steel letter bracket through a set of motor , leading screws and screw nuts .

  15. 其中正文共计3万余字,由四个部分组成:第一部分是对董事责任保险的基本概述。

    In which the body of a total of 3 million words , divided into four parts : The first part is an overview of liability insurance for directors .

  16. “山”是个象形字,是由大山的形态演化而来的。

    " Mountain " in Chinese is a pictograph character which has its origin in the shape of the mountain .

  17. 传统语言学认为声母是不表义的,但在古汉语中大量带有负面意义的字,是由有消极、否定、阴暗、阴性等负面意义的m&前缀演变而来。

    Traditional Linguistics do not hold that the initial consonants express meaning . But there are a large number of words with negative meaning in archaic Chinese evolved from prefix " m " that denotes denying , dark , and negative meanings .

  18. 字的意义要由它在句子中的实际用法来确定。

    The meaning of a word is determined by its actual use in a sentence .

  19. 本实用新型涉及在平面上书写出具有立体视觉效果字的笔,由笔尖、笔芯和笔管三部份组成。

    This utility model relates to a pen which can write on the plane with stereovision effect , consisting of a pen point , a pen core and a pen tube .

  20. 汉语字本位理论是由我国学者首创,旨在克月艮汉语研究中的印欧语眼光,解决由此产生的系列问题的一种学说。

    The Zi-centered theory is a linguistic school which was initiated by the Chinese researchers and aims at the solution of series of problems caused by " the westernized view-points " in Chinese linguistic studies .

  21. 对相似字的识别率由79.02%提高到84.32%,提高了五个百分点,整体识别率提高了1.3个百分点。

    The recognition rate to similar Chinese characters can be improved from 79.02 % to 84.32 % , about 5 percentage points improving ; the recognition rate to system can be improved about 1.3 percentage points .

  22. 一种包含给定数量字的磁心矩形网格,其中的每个字由构成矩形阵列的给定位数组成。

    A rectangular grid of cores containing a given number of words each of a given number of bits making up the rectangular array .

  23. 李商隐最著名的、含意最模糊的诗是《锦瑟》(题为该诗前两个字,所以也是“无题”诗)。这首诗共有56个字,由一连串的意象构成。

    His most famous and cryptic poem is called " Jin Se " ( the title is only taken from the first two characters of the poem , thus also a " no title " poem ) , which consists of 56 characters and a string of images .