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  1. 这种方法是,你将数字的一部分与一个相近的字相关联。

    In this system , you associate portions of the number with a word that has some relation to it .

  2. 越南岱侬族喃字是岱侬族人使用过的一种与中国古壮字相类似的方块文字。

    Chu Nm , a writing system ever used by T à y-N ù ng People , was quite similar to Ancient Zhuang Script .

  3. 奥运会徽的名称为“舞动的北京”,它将中国印章和中国传统书法“京”字相结合,以人的形状呈现出来。

    The Olympic emblem , called " dancing beijing ", is in the style of a Chinese seal with the traditional Chinese character " jing " rendered in a human-like form .

  4. 机械分词阶段,创造性的提正向最大匹配法和减字法相结合的切词方式,以求尽量得出所有的切分形式。

    Mechanical participle stage , creatively proposed first positive maximal matching method , and then reduce word segmentation method draw all forms .

  5. 但是,问题在于,汉语叠词这种字音、字形、字意相结合的美是通过英语很难传译的。

    But the combined beauty of the sound , the form and the meaning of the Chinese reduplicated word is to some extent incommunicable in English .

  6. 王宝,由王宝强扮演,一定程度上就是普通中国人的代表,笨笨的,常被嘲笑,到哪儿都要比个V字照张相,连旅馆的椅子都不放过。

    Wang , played by Wang Baoqiang , is something of a Chinese everyman , silly and easily mocked , wanting to photograph himself flashing a peace sign in front of everything , including the hotel chairs .

  7. 通过对各种分词技术进行比较分析,本系统采用向左增字最小匹配与向右减字最大匹配算法相结合进行分词,并采用互信息方法消除歧义,提高分词精度;

    With analysis of the Chinese word segmentation technologies , this paper combines the leftward increase maximum matching algorithm and the rightward decrease minimum matching algorithm to segment the text , and adopts Mutual Information to eliminate different meanings , thus the precision of Chinese word segmentation is enhanced .