
zì jì
  • writing;handwriting
字迹 [zì jì]
  • [handwriting;writing] 用毛笔、钢笔、铅笔、铁笔或类似书写工具手写的字的形迹;亦指某一特定人这样写的字的形迹

字迹[zì jì]
  1. 有谁能辨认他的字迹?

    Can anyone decipher his handwriting ?

  2. 她的字迹完全不能辨认。

    Her handwriting is completely illegible .

  3. 专家鉴定这字迹是拜伦的亲笔。

    Experts have authenticated the writing as that of Byron himself .

  4. 字迹变得一片模糊,在他眼前晃动。

    The writing blurred and danced before his eyes .

  5. 请用A4纸、以双倍行距单面打印或誊抄,字迹务必清晰。

    Please type or write clearly in double spacing on one side of A4 paper only .

  6. 她的书法是我见过的字迹最工整的。

    Her calligraphy was the clearest I 'd ever seen .

  7. 不久午餐就送来了,当时他正埋头于一本满是潦草字迹的记事簿。

    His lunch did not take long to arrive and found him poring over a notepad covered with scrawls .

  8. 由于地址字迹不清,致使信件无法投递。

    It is impossible to deliver this letter because the address is illegible .

  9. 年代久了,石碑上的字迹已经模糊了。

    The inscriptions on the stone tablet have become blurred with the passage of time .

  10. 字迹潦草。

    The writing is a scrawl .

  11. 字迹漫漶。

    The words have become illegible .

  12. 字迹模糊了。

    The writing was blurred .

  13. 涂画在墙上的字迹和艺术是一种自我表达的实验。

    The notes and art scribbled on the walls are an experiment in self-expression .

  14. 发自伦敦的航空信封上的尖长字迹分明是她的。

    The spiky handwriting on the airmail envelope from London was obviously hers .

  15. 不可能看清他那极小的书写字迹。

    It 's impossible to read his microscopic handwriting .

  16. 我们都喜欢汤姆的字迹。

    All of us like Tom 's handwriting .

  17. 蓝黑墨水字迹的DSC特征

    DSC Characteristics of Blue - Black Ink Writing

  18. 这使得JPEG非常不适于压缩需要保持字迹清晰的文本。

    This makes JPEG very poor for compressing text that needs to remain readable .

  19. 蓝色圆珠笔字迹色痕ATR谱与模式识别研究

    The Pattern Recognition of Blue Ballpoint Pen Writing Inks by ATR Technique

  20. 蓝色圆珠笔字迹色痕FT-IR光谱经时变化的研究

    A study on the variation of blue ballpoint pen inks ' ft - ir spectra by time

  21. 应用PIXE技术对书写字迹的分析

    Applications of PIXE Technology on Ink

  22. 尽管这支笔还是比较粗,但我觉得我对字迹的控制要好于Pencil——至少我能看懂自己写了些什么。

    Despite the tool 's girth , I felt like I had more control over my handwriting than the Pencil - I could indeed read my own handwriting .

  23. 然而由于从纸质材料转换成电子文档的原因,PDF文档中经常出现字迹断裂,不清晰等情况。

    However , due to the reason of converting form paper-based materials to electronic data , there are often phenomena of writing broken and illegibility in the PDF documents .

  24. 美国NationalPen公司开展的一次调查显示,字迹小的人往往比较腼腆、细心并且勤奋好学;而字迹较大的人则更加开朗外向,并且喜欢引起别人的注意。

    According to the research which was conducted by the National Pen Company , it is revealed that persons with small handwriting tend to be shy , meticulous and studious while people who were more outgoing tried gaining attention with larger handwriting .

  25. 面对一个长相奇特的孩子,医生会写下FLK的字迹。

    A DOCTOR who sees a child with an odd appearance might write FLK in his notes .

  26. 博格曼的方法就是让X射线穿透那些伪造的图案,穿透抄写员的字迹,找到最初的阿基米德文本里墨水所含的铁,并生成图像,只反映出书页中的铁。

    Bergman 's technique allows X - rays to pass through the forged paintings , pass through the scribe 's writing to hit the iron traces from the ink of the original Archimedes ' text and create an image just of the iron on the pages .

  27. 面对一个长相奇特的孩子,医生会写下“FLK”的字迹。

    A DOCTOR who sees a child with an odd appearance might write " FLK " in his notes .

  28. 马里兰州议员EmmettBurns说,“我手里有个末端带橡皮的铅笔,他们或许已经签署了法律,但我们仍可像橡皮擦掉字迹一样把它推翻。”

    Maryland lawmaker Emmett Burns : " I have in my hands a pencil and it has an eraser on the end . They might as well have signed that bill in lead . "

  29. 漂流瓶里的那张字迹潦草的信是ZoeLemon写的,她是一个喜爱芭蕾、演奏竖笛和钢琴的女生,她当时刚刚上轮船要去德国度假。

    Inside the bottle was a scrawled letter from Zoe Lemon , a youngster with a love of ballet , playing the flute and the piano , who had just boarded a ferry bound for a holiday in Germany .

  30. 漂流瓶里的那张字迹潦草的信是ZoeLemon写的,她是一个喜爱“芭蕾、演奏竖笛和钢琴”的女生,她当时刚刚上轮船要去德国度假。

    Inside the bottle was a scrawled letter from Zoe Lemon , a youngster with a love of " ballet , playing the flute and the piano , " who had just boarded a ferry bound for a holiday in Germany .