
  • 网络Stock Adjustment
  1. 关于资本存量调整理论的思考及启发

    Thinking on the theory of capital stock adjustment

  2. 转型期中国资本存量调整模型的实证研究

    A Model of Capital Stock Adjustment in China in the Transitional Period : A Positive Study

  3. 随着我国加入WTO的临近,我国产业结构的调整要与经济结构的全面调整相结合,使增量调整与存量调整相结合。

    With China 's getting closer to WTO , the adjusting style of industrial structure should be oriented to the sound integration with economic structure and with increment and inventory as well .

  4. 货币存量调整机制一般可分为两类设定方式:实际调整过程和名义调整过程。

    Stock adjustment models of the demand for money have employed either the real or nominal adjustment process .

  5. 对企业现有资产进行存量调整,有利于优化我国国有企业的资本结构及企业的良性循环发展。

    Meanwhile , adjustment is made for surplus property to optimize capital structure and acquire health development for enterprises .

  6. 工业结构调整是一个动态的优化过程基目的是竞争能力的提高,增量投入和存量调整必须同时进行。

    The adjustment of industry structure is a dynamic optimum process to improve competitive capacity , increase investment and vitalize current capital stake simultaneously .

  7. 不论是存量调整还是增量调整,都需要投资者向国有企业投资持股。

    No matter we take the way of adjusting the increasing fixed assets or existed assets , it is essential that investors invest in state-owned stocks .

  8. 在经济环境由长期短缺转向相对过剩的新形势下,我国工业结构的调整的重点应由以增量调整为主转向以存量调整为主,由适应性结构调整转向战略性结构调整。

    In the new situation , the emphasis of our industrial structuring ought to implement surplus adjustment instead of incremental adjustment , strategic adjustment instead of adaptability adjustment .

  9. 同时,为了提高经济社会的运行效率,需要不断地进行资本的流量和存量调整,也需要通过产业投资活动来实现。

    Capital flows and stocks are kept adjusting to improve the economic efficiency of the society , and the industrial investment is also needed to achieve this goal .

  10. 资本流出降低了均衡状态下资本密集型产业的比重,加剧了转轨国家转轨初期产业结构之存量调整。

    Capital flight will also lower the proportion of capital-intensive industry under an equilibrium state , and intensify the industrial stock adjustment in countries at the early stage of transition .

  11. 中央政府与地方政府在所有制结构调整中的博弈主要体现在两个方面,即所有制结构的增量调整和存量调整。

    The game analysis of the central and local governments in the ownership structural adjustment reflect in two aspects mainly , namely increment adjustment and stock adjustment of the ownership composition .

  12. 为此,必须正确认识比较优势原则、存量调整与增量调整的关系以及地方政府在产业结构调整中的作用等问题。

    For this purpose , we should recognize impartially the principle of comparative advantages , relationship between stock adjustment and increment adjustment , local governmentss role in the restructure and so on .

  13. 从中央政府与地方政府所有制结构的增量调整和存量调整的实际来看,不同的博弈策略确实导致了不同的所有制结构调整速度。

    Seen from the reality of the increment and stock adjustment of the ownership structure of the central and local government , different game tactics have really caused different speed of structural adjustment of ownership .

  14. 投资银行是资本市场的灵魂。为企业并购(M&A)提供咨询、顾问策划等策略服务的并购业务,本质上是资本存量调整的金融中介服务,是投资银行的本源业务和核心业务。

    M & A Consultancy , the intermediate service to the balance-adjustment of the capital market , is one of the original and core businesses of investment banking , representing the future of investment banking in some sense .

  15. 据于人力资本在可持续发展中的重要地位,接下来本文对人力资本的投资方式从存量调整内部开发和增量调整外部开发两个方面进行了深入而系统的探索。

    Due to the significance of human capital in sustainable development , the writer could persist in the methods of human capital investment by introducing two kinds of investment approaches , say , the inner inspiration and the exterior investment to increase accumulation .

  16. 本文第四部分分析了国有企业资本结构调整中应考虑的因素:增量调整和存量调整相结合,资产结构和资本结构相结合以及资本结构的外部影响因素等。

    The fourth chapter analyses the factors that we should consider while adjusting the owned-state enterprises capital structure : integration of incremental adjustments and storage quantity adjustment , integration of the asset structure and the capital structure , and the external factors of the capital structure .

  17. 企业产品存量结构调整的定量方法

    A Group Quantitative Method for Adjusting the stock structure of Products

  18. 国有资产存量结构调整的目标:产业结构优化&国有经济结构调整的另一种思路

    The Target of State-owned Stock Assets Structure Adjustment : Improving Industrial Structure

  19. 资产存量的调整受新旧经济体制转轨磨合过程的影响,难度很大;

    The adjustment of present assets is influenced by the process of the old and new economy system transforming , so , it 's very difficult ;

  20. 对于规模已经过大的医疗机构可以通过对其存量结构调整,以达到缩减规模和提高效率的目的;

    In order to reduce scale and improve efficiency , the inventory part can be adjusted if the scale of investment in health institution has already overdue .

  21. 物质资本、人力资本的形成又依赖于金融资本的支持。而金融支持还有助于固定资产存量的调整。

    The formation of physical capital and human capital is dependent on support from financial capital while financial backing is also conducive to adjustment of stock fixed assets .

  22. 面向知识经济时代的全球化科技产业竞争,实质上是稀缺资源和存量结构调整的战略竞争。

    The global competition in technology industry in the knowledge-based economy age is in essence the strategy competition in the sparse resources and in the construction adjustment with stored quantity .

  23. 合并整合虽然从存量上调整了行业结构,促使资源向优势会计师事务所聚集,成为推动行业结构调整的有效手段,但同时在合并中也暴露了一些问题。

    Although the merge and integration adjust the profession structure from the storage quantity and urge the resources flow to the superior accounting firm , simultaneously there are also some problems exposed .

  24. 第三种选择会避免外围国家的存量和流量调整,但有可能导致核心国家失去偿债能力。

    The third would avoid both stock and flow adjustment in the periphery , but threaten insolvency in the core .

  25. 国有企业发展的世界趋势及对我国企业资本存量和结构调整的启迪

    World Tendency of Stated-owned Enterprises and the Enlightenment to the Adjustments of Capital on Quantity in Stock and Structure in China

  26. 卫生资源配置是形成卫生生产能力的基石,它包括增量的有效配置和存量的合理调整。

    Health resources allocation , the cornerstone of health production capability , includes effective allocation of increments and rational readjustment of stocks .

  27. 资产剥离作为资产经营的主要形式之一,在提高存量资产效率、调整产业结构等方面发挥着极其重要的作用。

    Divestiture plays an important part in advancing the efficiency of inventory assets and adjusting industrial structure .

  28. 资产剥离作为企业资本运营的重要方式之一,体现了企业的收缩型战略,在提高存量资产效率、调整产业结构以及实现企业价值最大化等方面发挥着重要作用。

    Corporate divestiture is one of the major forms of capital-operations and reflects the corporate contracting strategy . Corporate divestiture plays an important role in advancing the efficiency of inventory assets , adjusting industrial structure and achieving the enterprise value maximize .