
  • 网络Stock reform;storage reform
  1. 由增量改革转向存量改革;

    From an incremental reform to a storage reform ;

  2. 农村合作金融存量改革与增量发展:一个增量渐进发展论的分析框架深化改革,增强企业活力。

    Rural Cooperation Financial Storage Reform and Increase Development : A Framework of Gradual Increase ;

  3. 基于广义的民营银行界定,笔者认为,可以多路径构建我国民营银行,而且必须是多路径的,具体来说,就是增量改革与存量改革的并进。

    Base on the definition , I believe that there are multiple paths to construct the private bank in China , in another word , incremental reform and stock reform go forward together .

  4. 中国的融资制度经过了20多年的改革,由原来的不涉及既有主体利益的增量改革、边际改革逐步向涉及既有集团利益的存量改革深化,融资制度的改革已经进入利益调整阶段。

    Through over two decades of reform , China 's financing system has gradually entered the phase of interest adjustment , developing from increment reform and marginal reform not concerning vested principal interest to preservation reform concerning vested group interest .

  5. 存量改革侧重供销社现有系统的职能再造,其服务重心、服务对象下移,以成员社和入社农民的经济利益最大化为宗旨实行自上而下的自治化倾向改革;

    Stock reform puts emphasis on the reformation of functions of the existing system and moves its service center and service object down , and practices autonomy reform from above to below with the purpose of maximizing the economic interest of cooperative and peasants .

  6. 从增量改革入手,有利于正确处理改革、稳定与发展的关系,还有利于为最终实现对存量的改革创造条件。

    The author holds that starting with the increment reform will be beneficial to dealing with the relationships among reform , stability and development as well as providing better conditions for stock reform .

  7. 引入真正的股东并以增量收益来消化存量风险,改革的关键环节在于充实资本金与完善法人治理结构,在操作性环节上表现为“增资扩股”。

    To introduce genuine shareholder and increment income to convert risks , the key of reform is to enrich capital and to consummate corporation management configuration , which is manifested as " increasing capital and enlarging share " in operation .

  8. 建立开发区就是利用新的获利机会诱致制度变迁,推动体制转换,是最典型的不触及存量结构的增量改革。

    Taking the advantage of new opportunities for profits to induce institutional change and promote the system transition , the establishment of China 's development area is the quintessential increment reform without stock structure involved .