
  1. 八、创新评估反馈机制。

    The innovation evaluation feedback mechanism .

  2. 津冀海洋产业创新评估与合作创新研究

    Evaluation of the Innovation of Marine Industry and Study of Co-Innovation in Tianjin City and Hebei Province

  3. 基于AHP-Fuzzy方法的企业技术创新能力评估模型的建立及其应用

    The Establishment of Evaluation Model of Enterprise Technical Innovation Ability Based on AHP-Fuzzy Method and Its Application

  4. 提出了企业技术创新能力评估的RPV框架,为企业经理全面评价以及提高其所在企业的技术创新能力提供了一个全新的工具。

    The RPV framework put forward in this article offers a new tool for managers to fully assess their organizations ′ innovation ability and improve it .

  5. 企业技术创新能力评估与再造研究

    Research on Assessment and Improvement of Enterprise ′ s Technological Innovation Ability

  6. 农业科技创新水平评估方法的研究

    Study on the Evaluation Method of Agricultural Sci - Tech Innovation Level

  7. 企业技术创新动态评估决策模型

    Dynamical evaluation / decision model of enterprise technological innovation

  8. 区域技术创新系统评估体系的研究

    Research on Assessment System of Regional Technology Innovation System

  9. 区域创新能力评估的指标体系研究

    A research of regional innovation capability evaluation index system

  10. 中小企业产品创新风险评估指标体系研究

    A Study on Risk Valuation Index System of mid-and small-scale Enterprises ' Product Innovation

  11. 创新考核评估制度,充分发挥公务员的潜能;

    Innovate the check-up and evaluation system and tap the civil servants ' potential ;

  12. 技术创新测度评估的若干问题

    Some Issues about Measurement Evaluation of Technological Innovations

  13. 第四部分是高新技术企业技术创新风险评估。

    The fourth part is the risk assessment of high-tech enterprises ' technological innovation .

  14. 群众性经济技术创新工程评估体系构建

    A Building of Assessment System about the Economic Technological Innovation Project with Masses ' Characteristics

  15. 重点实验室科技创新能力评估体系研究

    Research on an Index System for Evaluation of Science and Technology Innovation Capacity of Key Laboratories

  16. 本文探讨了技术创新测度评估的若干问题。

    In this paper , the author discusses some issues about measurement evaluation of technological innovations .

  17. 科技型中小企业创新能力评估指标体系研究

    Study on the Index System Concerning Innovation Capability Evaluation of Small and Medium-Sized S & T Enterprises

  18. 知识资本的价值链是知识资本获取、融合、创新、评估、运营,最终产生绩效的一系列价值活动;

    The value chain of knowledge capital refers to a serial of activities of its acquisition , integration , innovation , evaluation , operation and final achievement .

  19. 在中国大学快速扩大的时期,应当重新审视学术创新的评估过程。

    At the present time when the university system in China is growing , it is necessary for people to reconsider the process of evaluating scholarly productivity .

  20. 本文的目的就是力图在借鉴别人研究的基础上,为我国企业设计出一套适合国情、易于实践操作的技术创新能力评估体系。

    On the basis of previous study , this paper aims to design a proper and practical evaluation attribute system of the technological innovation ability according to the conditions of Chinese enterprises .

  21. 该文结合高校重点实验室的基本特点和要求,提出了科技创新能力评估指标体系及评估方法,并对广西高校的重点实验室进行了评估与分析。

    This paper constructed an index system and method for evaluation of science and technology innovation capacity of the key laboratories and made the evaluation and analysis of the capacities of the key laboratories in Guangxi province .

  22. 通过对企业及企业员工的知识管理需求分析,建立知识共享、知识分类与组织、知识获取、知识交流、知识创新、评估反馈、知识地图等几大管理功能模块。

    Through knowledge management needs analysis between enterprises and employees , built some major management function modules , including knowledge sharing , knowledge classification and organization , knowledge acquisition , knowledge communication , knowledge creation , evaluation feedback , knowledge maps .

  23. 在第五章中,我们在以上分析的基础上,建立了信息产业集群创新能力评估指标体系,并且提出信息产业集群创新能力综合评估方法。

    In the fifth chapter , based on the above analysis , we have established the evaluation index system of the innovation ability of Information Industry cluster and put forward the integrated assessment methods of the innovation capability of Information Industry cluster .

  24. 第六章以重庆市信息产业集群创新能力评估为例,说明了综合评估方法的实践应用,并且给出重庆市信息产业集群发展政策建议。

    In Chapter VI , We have the innovation capability assessment of Information Industrial clusters in Chongqing as an example to illustrate how apply to the practice of comprehensive assessment methods , and give the development policy recommendations of the information industry clusters in Chongqing .

  25. 基于BSC的服务创新成长绩效评估

    Study on the Growing Performance Appraisal of Service Innovation Based on BSC

  26. 目前企业在进行技术创新项目的评估时,所采用的大都是贴现净现值法,即NPV法。

    Currently , when the enterprises value the technique innovation items , they like to use the Discounted-Cash-Flow method , namely NPV method .

  27. 数字文献、教学资源创新组织的评估和量化研究

    Digital Library and Teaching Resources Initiatives : Evaluation and Quantitative Research

  28. 于是,我们对石家庄市的创新能力进行评估。

    Therefore , we assessed the ability to innovate of Shijiazhuang city .

  29. 美国能源部小企业创新研究计划评估情况综述

    The Assessment Summary of Small Business Innovation Research Program in U.S.Department of Energy

  30. 于是就需要建立利益机制,来创新政府绩效评估主体体系。

    Consequently , we need to construct an interest system to innovate government profit evaluation system .