
  • 网络Disruptive innovation
  1. 一个颠覆式创新团队的部分使命就是制造紧张感。

    A disruptive innovation group exists , in part , to create tension .

  2. 不过只有这样,实现有效的颠覆式创新所必需的速度和灵活性才会应运而生。

    The result : the speed and flexibility you need for effective disruptive innovation .

  3. 要实现颠覆式创新,就不能一唱一和。

    Disruptive innovation is not about consensus .

  4. 杜坎认为,实现颠覆式创新的秘诀如下:

    Dugan 's Rx for disruptive innovation :

  5. 颠覆式创新的特点是:打破常规做法,激发竞争并创造全新的增长模式。

    Disruptive innovation is the kind that unhinges old ways of operating , juices competition and creates new growth .

  6. 尽管为了支持循序渐进的研发项目可以组建一个大型团队,但它并不适用于颠覆式创新。

    While you can organize a large company to support evolutionary R & D , that doesn 't work with disruptive innovation .

  7. 颠覆式创新会挑战流程、挑战人力资源部门,也会挑战你对知识产权的看法&而你关于研发人选的想法也会受到质疑。

    Disruptive innovation will challenge processes , challenge HR , and challenge your perspective on IP & while it upsets your ideas about who gets to be involved in the development process .

  8. 颠覆式创新会挑战流程、挑战人力资源部门,也会挑战你对知识产权的看法——而你关于研发人选的想法也会受到质疑。

    Disruptive innovation will challenge processes , challenge HR , and challenge your perspective on IP - while it upsets your ideas about who gets to be involved in the development process .

  9. 多数人都认为特斯拉这种颠覆式创新会超越宝马,我支持宝马不断地改进自己、开放自己,宝马也能学习特斯拉的。

    ' Most believe that Tesla vehicles represent a disruptive innovation and will surpass BMWs . I think that BMW may not lose the game if they take an open approach to improve themselves . '