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  1. 尽管孙玮(WeiChristianson)是亚洲投行界最有权势的人物之一,但她进入这一行却有一点儿偶然。

    Though Wei Christianson is one of the most powerful figures in Asian investment banking , her entry into the industry was a bit of an accident .

  2. 今年,孙玮的中国投行团队为双汇国际(ShuanghuiInternational)以71亿美元成功收购美国最大猪肉制造商史密斯菲尔德食品公司(SmithfieldFoods)提供了咨询。这是中国集团对美国公司完成的规模最大的一宗收购案。

    This year , Christianson 's China investment banking team advised Shuanghui International on its successful $ 7.1bn takeover of Smithfield Foods , America 's largest pork producer , the largest US acquisition by a Chinese group .

  3. 此人是香港市场监管机构——证券及期货事务监察委员会(SecuritiesandFuturesCommission)的一名高官,因为当时该机构已开始筹备第一批中国企业赴香港海外上市的工作,所以正在物色有孙玮那样技能的人加入其企业融资部。

    The neighbour was a senior official at Hong Kong 's market regulator , the Securities and Futures Commission , which was preparing for the first overseas listings of Chinese companies in the then-British colony . The SFC was looking for someone with Christianson 's skills to join its corporate finance department .

  4. 孙玮曾在香港参加过一个派对,五年后她成为了一名银行家。

    Five years before she became a banker , Christianson was at a party in Hong Kong .

  5. 孙玮精通法律和证券业务,汉语和英语都很流利。

    Christianson understood both the law and the securities business , and was fluent in Mandarin and English .

  6. 孙玮表示,对华并购活动减少,是由于外国公司在全球衰退中只求生存,加上许多中国内地公司不缺资金,或者不需要外资技术。

    MS Christianson said inbound deals had fallen as foreign companies looked to survive the global downturn and many mainland companies did not want capital or outside expertise .