
  1. 并且对于龙,我是行家,对于这点,你家的半学士会告诉你的。

    And I know much and more of dragons , as your halfmaester will tell you .

  2. 此领域的学士会从事于建筑、景点设计或者汽车空调系统工程。

    A degree in this field may lead to a career in architecture , landscape design , or the engineering of climate-control systems .

  3. 甚至那些仅上过短暂大学的人或者准学士也会多挣将近四分之一。

    even those with only a few years of college or an associate 's degree earn close to a quarter more .

  4. 经评估,拥有大学学历的人群所挣收入几乎是仅持高中文凭的人群的两倍;甚至那些仅上过短暂大学的人或者准学士也会多挣将近四分之一。

    It is estimated that people with a college degree earn almost twice as much as those with only a high school diploma ; even those with only a few years of college or an associate 's degree earn close to a quarter more .

  5. 等我们到了你的要塞,如果你能立刻请柯蒙学士过来,我会非常感激。

    When we reach your keep , I would take it kindly if you could send for Maester Colemon at once .