
  • 网络period
  1. 通过一个学段的学习,地理生存教育的价值被学生肯定。

    After a period of study , the value of geographical survival education is affirmed by the students .

  2. 四川省体育与健康课程教材内容一体化的学段设计

    Design of the Studying Period for the Integration of Textbook Content of the Course " Sports and Health " in Sichuan Province

  3. 学校要根据学段、学科特点及学生实际需要和完成能力,合理布置不同类型的作业。

    Schools are required to adjust the form and content of homework in accordance with the traits of different schooling stages and subjects , as well as the needs and abilities of students .

  4. 性别因素对EFL教师对教师话语的认知没有影响,而教龄因素和学段因素却有显著影响。

    Gender has no impact on cognition about Teacher Talk , while teaching experience and teaching grade have significant impact .

  5. 不同学段近视学生的生长发育及体质特征

    Development and physical characteristics of myopic students in different periods of schooling

  6. 学生的灾害教育又可细分到各个学段。

    Disaster education of students can be subdivided into each school terms .

  7. 初高中学段的衔接研究

    Dovetail Research between the Junior Middle School and the Senior Middle School

  8. 小学各学段语文综合能力发展的特点各有不同。

    Its development characteristics are also different .

  9. 在掌握体育知识、技术技能上,学段有差异,初中学生选择人数多于小学;

    Two , to different grades , junior students get more sports knowledge and skills education ;

  10. 不同学段的德育职能。

    Moral function of different terms .

  11. 大中小学各学段学生学习适应性的差异及其衔接教育

    Difference in study adaptability and the linking education of students in universities , middle and primary schools

  12. 第三部分,以先进的教育理论和课程开发理论为指导,在基础理论研究的层面进行智能机器人课程资源开发,分别形成了小学、初中、高中三个学段的智能机器人课程指导纲要。

    Part three , this paper forms three curriculum criterions of elementary school , middle school and high school .

  13. 初中学段属于普通教育的基础阶段,高中学段是普通教育的提高阶段。

    Junior middle stage is the basis of general education , while senior high stage is the general improvement .

  14. 用发展性评价思想指导初中学段写作评价成为最佳的取向。

    The thought instruction junior middle school writes with " the development appraisal " appraises into the best choice .

  15. 二是指出了体验式教学的特征,小学语文体验式教学的学段特征和学科特征。

    The second is that the characteristics of experience teaching in primary school language experiential teaching , character and academic characteristics section .

  16. 我们要运用语感的基本特征来分学段培养小学生的语感。

    We should train the linguistic sense of the students in the different stages according to the basic characters of linguistic sense .

  17. 中美初中学段数与代数领域内容标准的比较研究

    Comparison of Content Standards in the Field of Number and Algebra on Junior Secondary School Stage between Chinese and American Mathematics Curriculum Standards

  18. 依据学校体育的学段性,分级总角色,进行了小学、中学体育的学段角色定位。

    According to the period of school sports , grading the national physical quality , and orient the grade roles of school sports .

  19. 其发展受多种因素的影响,表现出一定的性别、学段年级和学校类型的差异。

    Its development was affected by many factors , students with different gender , grade and types of school had different Chinese academic self-concept .

  20. 小学教育学段是学生身心发展基础阶段,这时期对学生进行情感培养,形成良好的情感意识和态度,对将来发展极为重要。

    The primary school period is the foundation years and it is critical for the pupils to develop healthy emotion and attitudes through emotional education .

  21. 由于主观原因,笔者未能对第二学段的整体内容进行研究,这是本研究的不足。

    Because of subjective reasons the writer can 't study the holistic contents of the second learning moment , this is the shortage of the study .

  22. 也就是说,一个学段十个星期中,必须有两个星期的华文课要通过电脑教学。

    In other words , in a period of 10 weeks , a Chinese-language teacher must spend two weeks to teach the subject the high-tech way .

  23. 教育资源不充足和学生数量依然很大决定了小班化教育在我国基础教育领域还只能在个别地方和个别学段出现,它不是全局。

    However , insufficient educational resources and still more students make class size reduction in Chinese foundational education come true only at individual place and individual class .

  24. 语文是高中学段的核心学科之一,而语文学习动机对学生的语文学习起着重要作用。

    In the meantime , Chinese is one of the most central subjects in high schools , and the motivation plays an important role in learning it .

  25. 在课程标准的结构方面,我国课程标准的课程目标按九年一贯制整体设计,总目标之下有学段目标;

    In the aspect of curriculum structure , our Curriculum Standards takes the designing approach of nine-year system which contains a big aim with four different schooling stage aims under it .

  26. 中学政治教师的专业发展是教师专业发展在中学政治教育中的具体化,这种从具体学科具体学段出发,讨论中学政治教师专业发展对其教育实践具有重要指导意义。

    Political teachers ' professional development an embody of teachers ' professional development in middle school and are important leading meaning for education practice from the course in a specific way .

  27. 笔者从调查义务教育第二学段学生的数学学习内容入手,展现学生在数学学习内容上存在的问题,以此来研究新课程下小学生数学学习内容的问题。

    This paper attempts to investigate the mathematical learning content of pupils in the second learning moment of fulltime compulsory education , exhibit the question of pupils study in mathematical learning content .

  28. 自基础教育高中学段课程改革开始以来,高中化学教师在课堂教学理念、教学方式和教学评价等方面都发生了转变。

    Since the beginning of high school curriculum reform of basic education segment , the teaching philosophy , the teaching methods and the teaching evaluation of high school chemistry teachers have been changed .

  29. 我国的信息技术教育发展,从学段的角度看,经历了从高中到初中再推广到小学的过程;

    On the view of study section , The development of IT education in China has experienced the process of being extended from senior middle school to junior middle school then to elementary school ;

  30. 课程阶段目标从三个维度对初高中学段提出不同要求,高中目标是在初中基础上进一步的发展和提高。

    Requests have been made for the junior and senior middle school in three different aspects . Senior middle school students are required further development and improvement on the basis of junior middle school .