
xué jiè
  • educational circles
学界 [xué jiè]
  • [educational circles] 指教育界或学术界

学界[xué jiè]
  1. 从目前学界的研究来看,对于制度的动态分析主要存在两种对立的观点,其一是以North为代表的理性设计理路,其二是以Hayek为代表的自发演化理路。

    The current researches in educational circles show two opposite views about the dynamical analysis of institutions , one is the rational design path leaded by North , and the other is the spontaneous evolution path leaded by Hayek .

  2. 学界对于劳动力回流的研究,大多进行定性分析,定量分析较少。

    Educational circles are more pay attention to qualitative analysis , less on quantitative analysis .

  3. 该书对学界左派进行了抨击。

    The book is a diatribe against the academic left .

  4. 研究报告在学界引起了强烈的反应。

    The research paper evoked strong reactions in academic circles .

  5. 学界把我国目前的社会发展称之为社会转型期(socialtransitionperiod)。

    Academic and social development in our country now known as Social Transformation ( social transition period ) .

  6. 企业流程再造(BusinessProcessReengineering,简称BPR)作为一种新的管理科学方法日益受到管理学界的重视。

    Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ), as an update management science , has brought to the field of management more and more serious attention .

  7. 特别是中国加入WTO之后,电视产业经营逐渐成为学界和业界注目的热点。

    Especially after China 's entering into the WTO , TV industrial management ( TVIM ) has gradually become the subject concerned by the academe and executives of TV .

  8. 在信息全球化的背景下,‘新闻执政’(Governingwithnews)这最早由白宫发言人提出的新闻治国手段被广泛采纳并引起学界、业界高度关注。

    In the background of globalization information , " ' governing with news ' which was first proposed by the White House spokesman " as a means to govern the country have been widely adoption . Now , academic and industry pay attention to it .

  9. Brealey和Myers(1996)就认为公司最佳现金持有量的确定是财务学界尚未解决的十大难题之一。

    Brealey and Myers ( 1996 ) stated that it is one of the ten puzzles unsettled in the financial research field .

  10. 自2005年hirsch教授提出h指数以来,该指数已经引起了情报领域以及科学评价学界的广泛关注,得到了理论不断地改进和应用拓展。

    The field of Information Science and The scientific evaluation of the academia have paid a lot of attention to H index since it was brought up by professor Hirsch in 2005.Its theory has been improved and its application has also been broaden .

  11. 对于其中某些案件,在理论界和司法实践中已经逐渐形成比较统一的认识,但是对于利用ATM机失灵存假币取真币行为的定性与处罚,学界和司法实务中仍旧存在比较激烈的争论。

    For some cases , unanimous understanding has gradually been formed in theory and judicial practice , but depositing counterfeit money but taking real one behavior through malfunctioned ATM machine , the community of criminal law and the judicial departments still have some fierce debate on accurate charges and punishment .

  12. 支持学界一般观点,采用相当因果关系说。

    Support academic general point of view , using suitable causal relation .

  13. 学界一般认为,企业社会责任最早源于美国。

    Generally believing , corporate social responsibility originated from the United States .

  14. 他的专著和论文都受到学界的普遍认可。

    His monographs and papers by scholars generally recognized .

  15. 学界京剧界对尖团音认识的区别和辨正

    Identification of the Difference Between Sharp and Rounded Sounds

  16. 知识生产已成为产业界和管理学界关注的核心主题。

    Knowledge production has become a focused theme in industry and management academe .

  17. 当前,学界和国人纷纷在发问我国创新型人才培养问题。

    At present , academics and people have in asking questions of Creative Talents .

  18. 近年来,萨满教研究日益被学界所关注。然而,对于东北萨满教艺术与民俗方面的研究,却相对较少。

    But few studies have been focused on Northeastern Shaman Religion art and folk-custom .

  19. 词典学界非常重视双语词典编纂学的理论研究。

    The dictionary educational world extremely takes the bilingual dictionary compiling study theory research .

  20. 死亡赔偿金问题一直以来都倍受民法学界和社会各界的关注。

    The problem of Death Compensation Funds has been much civil academic and society concerns .

  21. 学界专家最不重视的指标是学习与创新。

    Academic experts think that the most unimportance index is learning and innovation . 4 .

  22. 此外,学界对宗教结社、宗教慈善、民间信仰等领域的研究也有很大的突破。

    There are also big breakthroughs on religious association , religious charity and folk religion .

  23. 公正和效益是学界普遍公认的程序的内在价值目标或目的性价值,在破产程序设计中,应始终以这两大价值目标为衡量标准。

    Fairness and effectiveness as widely recognized purposive values should serve as criteria throughout bankruptcy programming .

  24. 近年来,网络语言这一研究话题在语用学界受到越来越多的关注。

    Now , cyber language has got more and more attention in field of pragmatic research .

  25. 不作为犯罪一直是困扰刑法学界与司法界的一个难题。

    Negative crime is a tough problem which has been perplexing the science of criminal law .

  26. 分裂不定式在英语语法学界被认为是一种极具争议的语法结构。

    The split infinitive is considered as one of the most controversial grammar structures in English .

  27. 现代性是一个备受学界关注的重要问题,围绕着该问题的争论在不同学科广泛展开。

    Modernity is a very important philosophic problem and has attracted more attention in the academic circle .

  28. 现在的日本学界对财产以外的损害一般均称为精神损害。

    Japanese scholars are now the damage to property other than generally referred to as moral damages .

  29. 同时学界对于银行电子商务信息披露的关注程度不高,相关研究成果也很少。

    Meanwhile the academic concern little with e-banking information disclosure , and relevant research results are few .

  30. 第五部分是结论,并提出建设性意见,以供学界和业界参考。

    The fifth part is the conclusion , and put forward a constructive suggestion for practitioners reference .