
zī shēng
  • multiply;breed;propagate
孳生 [zī shēng]
  • [multiply;breed] 繁殖;滋生

  • 子者,孳也。谓阳气至此更孳生也。--《晋书.乐志上》

孳生[zī shēng]
  1. 蛆在乳酪里孳生。

    Maggots breed in cheese .

  2. 它们在死水附近孳生,例如在烂泥塘边上。

    They breed near stagnant water , such as a slimy pond .

  3. 2种杀虫剂对白纹伊蚊幼虫的孳生地具有良好的控制作用,经趋势检验,两种杀虫剂的P值均小于001,表明幼虫孳生阳性率随时间逐渐降低,效果显著。

    The trial also showed both insecticides had good effects on larvae in breeding-ground , and the positive rate of larvae in breeding-ground gradually reduced as the time went on .

  4. 用等离子体原子发射法测定了钉螺软体组织与其孳生地土壤中重金属元素Cr、Cu、Zn、Mn、Cd和Pb的含量,对其污染状况进行了分析。

    The heavy metal elements of Cr , Cu , Zn , Mn , Cd and Pb in the tender tissues of O. hupensis and soil were determined and analyzed by plasma-atomic emission spectrometry .

  5. NDVI、GVI均显示第2、3类区域暂不适宜钉螺孳生。

    Both NDVI and GVI showed type 2 and type 3 were temporarily not suitable for snail breeding .

  6. 目的研究控制尘螨孳生对螨过敏性哮喘(DMSA)发病的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of controlling of house dusts in attacks of mite sensitive asthmatics ( DMSA ) .

  7. 结果显示NDVI模型标记出的第5、6类区域为钉螺的主要孳生地,第4类区域为钉螺潜在扩散区域,其NDVI值为0~01。

    Classification of NDVI showed that type 5 anf type 6 were main breeding ground for snails , and type 4 with values of NDVI from 0 to 0.1 was potential areas for snail propagation .

  8. 结论CBERS-02B卫星影像对于东洞庭湖区洲滩钉螺孳生地的探测具有很好的实用性,可以发现有螺区域的分布特征和变化趋势。

    Conclusion CBERS-02B image could be used to detect the snail habitats and to monitor the changes of them , so as to find out the characteristics of distribution and the trends of diffusion on snail population in the marshland of Eastern Dongting Lake Area .

  9. 水源水中摇蚊幼虫的孳生与生态控制

    Excessive propagation and ecological control of chironomus larva in raw water

  10. 中华按蚊幼虫稻田孳生状态的研究

    Studies on Distribution Pattern of Anopheles sinensis Larvae in Paddy Field

  11. 小型蚊虫孳生地类型及分布调查研究

    Investigation on the place types of propagation and distribution of mosquitoes

  12. 糟糕的住房条件孳生青少年犯罪。

    Poor housing conditions are a breeding ground for teenage crime .

  13. 水体中摇蚊幼虫的孳生规律及其控制途径

    The reproduction rule and control of chironomus larva in water bodies

  14. 持灭蚊电子地图进行蚊虫孳生地调查与持社区地图相比能够明显减少蚊虫孳生地遗漏。

    Pretermission of mosquito breeding sites could be reduced using the map .

  15. 广州市蚊幼虫自然种群孳生状况的研究

    Study of the Breeding State of the Natural Mosquito Population in Guangzhou

  16. 城市建筑工地蚊虫孳生现状的调查研究

    Study on Breeding of Mosquitoes at the Constructing Sites in Urban Area

  17. 血吸虫病的生态防治与抑螺防病林消除钉螺孳生环境机制

    Ecological Measures for Schistosomiasis Prevention and Mechanisms of Snail Control Through Afforestation

  18. 上海蚊虫的孳生地及季节分布的研究

    The breeding and seasonal distribution of mosquitoes in Shanghai District

  19. 水蚤类浮游动物孳生的生物控制试验研究

    Experimental study on biological control of excessive propagation of Cyclops

  20. 空调隔尘网表面真菌孳生情况的调查

    Investigation of fungi on the surfaces of filters in air-conditioners

  21. 生物活性炭滤池中无脊椎动物孳生问题与对策

    Problems and solutions of the invertebrates breeding in biological activated carbon filter

  22. 地表温度在监测湖区钉螺孳生地中的作用

    Effects of land surface temperature on supervising the existing area of snails

  23. 孳生密度以污水最高。

    Among different waters , the larva density was highest in sewage .

  24. 目的调查学生宿舍螨类孳生情况。

    Objective To investigate the situation of mites breeding in student dormitories .

  25. 福州市区蚊虫孳生习性调查分析

    The survey on the habits of mosquitoes in Fuzhou City

  26. 不同居住和工作环境内螨类孳生情况调查

    Survey of breeding status of mites in different residential and working environment

  27. 储藏食物孳生粉螨研究

    Study on the Breeding of Acaroid Mites in Stored Food

  28. 遥感技术在蚊虫孳生地监测中的应用

    Application of Remote Sensing in Surveys of Mosquito Breeding Habitats

  29. 蚊媒孳生环境遥感分类和遥感信息提取研究。

    RS image classification and information derivation of mosquito habitats .

  30. 污浊的死水是疾病的孳生地。

    The stagnant water was a breeding ground for disease .
