- 名cosmic time cosmological time

The pen traces out the signals as the telescope scans the sky .
Not traveled over or through . These methods depend on the propagation of light across the universe .
Flexible protective material is a fundamental condition for normal moving in special occasions to explore the world and the universe .
A decade ago , astronomers surveying the distant universe discovered giant blobs of shining hydrogen gas bigger than anything ever seen in the cosmos .
When we talk about the universe , we mean the earth , the sun , the moon and the stars and the space between them .
According to legend , when Arceus created the universe it created Uxie , Mesprit , and Azelf , and therefore is believed to be their master .
In the beginning , when God created the universe , the earth was formless and desolate . the literal belief in the account of creation given in the Book of Genesis .
When we talk about the universe , we mean not only the earth , the sun , and the moon , but ( also ) all the other things too far away for us to see .
One of the images I have in mind when I contemplate the universe , is that it is constructed upon a simple pattern of order that may be seen in any and all phenomena , no matter how complex .
They were filled with wonder when they saw the spaceship .
Code carriers have in fact been involved in this mission since the Cosmic Trigger of2009 .
The end of the seven ordeals comes when man 's social institutions and concepts collapse , leaving universal truth to be realized .
Did Buddhist uses that as well , I heard that in Hindu terms , like the sound of the origins of the universe .
Most of the stars we see in the sky were formed when the universe was young , just a few billion years after the Big Bang .
An electrical field removes any ions present , so the rate of seed growth should be equivalent to that in nature with no cosmic rays around .
When Scientology takes science as a holographic vision of the universe and life , the scientific view of the arbitrariness leads to the emergence of scientific doctrine .
The individual , in the course of his heroic striving towards universality , de-individuation , comes up against that primordial contradiction and learns both to sin and to suffer .
A good example of this was Einstein , who called the cosmological constant , which he introduced when he was trying to make a static model of the universe , the biggest mistake of his life .
Storm - time increase in cosmic ray intensity and its characteristics
Explores the possibility of producing antimatter when the cosmic tremendous explosion and discusses the riddle of huge explosion in Tunguska .
We might like to think that we live in a cyber age , when we shape our universe and society with smartphones ;
American scientists are building a space telescope , they hope , will look back over distances and time to show the universe its beginning .
Working in an artificial universe , students will be able to move city blocks around in various configurations provided they don 't violate algebraic laws .
In fact , you will need to gather up everything there is every last mote and particle of matter between here and the edge of creation
Perhaps she felt in him , too , that sinister element which had made me think of those wild beings of the world 's early history .
In this paper , we discuss the non-thermal distribution , the energy density and entropy increase of a massless particle gas in the Multi-dimensional phase of universe .
When we appreciate the sky the stars and experience the magic of the universe when Hawking was only the activities with his two fingers to explore the universe of the unknown substances ;
The research will take time , but scientists hope it will eventually explain what really happened during the first moments of our Universe and reveal the mystery over what became of its other half .
According to scientific definitions of thermal and informational entropy , it is pointed out that both the physical and informational entropy are two Basic parameters of the universe , they exist everywhere and all the time .
When people starting postulating that the Earth was not the center of the universe , it gave way to the rise in questioning the idea of a seven-day creation and God 's role in creating the Earth .