
  • 网络Anseong;Anseong-si
  1. 安城市的这家公司提供的服务大概是最让人印象深刻也最贵的反欺凌服务。

    Perhaps the most impressive and most expensive anti-bullying service is offered by a company in Anseong city .

  2. 安城市的这家公司承认,受害者的家长也可以自己约见欺凌者的家长,但这种会面的结果通常是双方父母彼此争吵打斗。

    The Anseong-based company admits that the victim 's parents could confront the bully 's parents themselves , but adds that such meeting often result in the parents fighting each other .

  3. 现在,孩子们都已经把家安在城市里,不再与土地打交道。

    Both have settled down in the city . They no longer work on the farmland .

  4. 让人不安的是,城市各处依然能够见到那些社会边缘人——乞丐和无家可归者,不过,眼下的纽约至少让人感到安全,对于那些早几十年到过纽约的人而言,这是个显著的变化。

    Those who have lost out - the derelict , the homeless - are distressingly visible , but New York at least feels safe , which is a remarkable change for those who knew it in earlier decades .