
  • 网络angus;Aengus
  1. 安格斯从汽车里出来等着。

    Angus got out of the car to wait

  2. “我来吧,埃莉诺,”安格斯腾地站起来说道。

    ' I 'll do it , Eleanor , ' Angus said , jumping up .

  3. 安格斯一跃而起道:“让我来,埃莉诺。”可是,这一次她只是摇了摇头,坚定地说:“我能应付。”

    ' I 'll do it , Eleanor , ' Angus said , quickly jumping up . But this time she only shook her head . ' I 'll manage , ' she said firmly .

  4. 为比较安格斯牛和昭通牛的杂交效果,进行了安昭牛F1代和昭通牛的短期育肥研究。

    The intensive fattening trial was conducted for the F1 crossbreds of Angus and Zhaotong cattle and purebred Zhaotong cattle to test the crossbreeding effects .

  5. 另一位加盟的明星银行家是从瑞银集团挖来的安格斯•巴克(AngusBarker),担任该行财务顾问业务主管。

    Another star recruit is Angus Barker , who was lured away from UBS to head the bank 's financial sponsors unit .

  6. 安格斯牛是一种著名的肉用牛品种,为了提高其繁殖效率,本试验采用FSH处理青年母安格斯牛。

    Angus Cattle is a famous beef cattle . In order to improve its reproduction performance , some angus cattles ( 2-3 years old ) were treated with FSH in the experiment .

  7. 今年初上映的《十二宫》(Zodiac)的剪辑师安格斯•沃尔(AngusWall)认为,数字化的真正影响在于使整个过程重新变得简单,艺术处理也更加灵活自如。

    Angus Wall , editor of'Zodiac , 'a film released earlier this year , says the real impact of all of this digitization is to bring simplicity and artistic control back to the process .

  8. 英国第二大股票经纪公司TDWaterhouse首席执行官安格斯•里格比(AngusRigby)表示:我们绝不能让自己的客户再次遇到这种情况。

    We simply cannot allow our customers to be in this position again , said Angus Rigby , chief executive of TD Waterhouse , the second largest broker in the UK .

  9. BlackCowBistro餐厅专注于该地区非同凡响的肉品。岛上潮湿的天气很适合饲养传统的、肉质鲜美的牲畜,像安格斯(Angus)牛和赫里福德(Hereford)牛,而且在塔斯马尼亚不允许使用促生长剂。

    Black Cow Bistro focuses on exceptional meat from the region -- the island 's damp climate is well-suited to raising traditional , flavorful breeds of cattle such as Angus and Hereford , and no growth promotants can be used in Tasmania .

  10. 森美餐厅的经理叶凤仪(IryYip)说,它是一头安格斯牛(Angus),是她的父亲、餐厅创始人叶联(SammyYip)在1978年设计的。他老人家今年84岁,仍然坐在餐厅的收银台后面。

    It was supposed to be an Angus , said Iry Yip , the manager of Sammy 's Kitchen . The sign was designed in 1978 by her father , Sammy Yip , the restaurant 's founder , who at 84 still sits behind the cash register .

  11. 安格斯肉牛改良沿河本地黄牛效果研究

    Experimental Report of Yanhe Yellow Cattle Improvement by Angus Beef Cattle

  12. 主持人:还有,您从哪儿来,安格斯?

    Compere : And where do you come from , Angles ?

  13. 胚胎移植安格斯牛血统关系的分子遗传检测

    The Molecular Genetic Detection of Blood Relationship in Embryo Transplant Angus

  14. 史蒂夫:克里斯蒂娜,也许安格斯有他的观点。

    Steve : Angus may have a point , Christina .

  15. 安格斯:我想,这是因为最优美的歌曲,都由高音演员唱吧?

    Angus : I suppose because they have all the best arias .

  16. 安格斯牛适应性强,繁殖率高。

    Angus ' adaptability is very capable , the fertility is high .

  17. 安格斯:那好,你听说了什么,雷克斯?

    Angus : So , what have you been hearing , Rex ?

  18. 安格斯是我们在伦敦的出租车司机。

    Oh , he was this cab driver we had in london .

  19. 安格斯:他们预期将有5000听众奉场!

    Angus : They expect a crowd of 5,000 !

  20. 安格斯牛杂交改良湖北本地黄牛效果

    Crossbreeding Effects of Angus on Hubei Native Yellow cattle

  21. 克里斯蒂娜:噢,是真的吗?安格斯,我们是老相识了。

    Christina : oh , really ? Angus , we should have known .

  22. 安格斯:最好的方法是把我们的演唱样带寄给大耳朵唱片公司。

    Angus : The best way is to send in our demo tape .

  23. 安格斯:我还记得我第一次去海外任职。

    Angus : I remember my first overseas assignment .

  24. 晋南牛、鲁西牛和秦川牛三个地方品种牛的遗传多态性略高于安格斯牛和海福特牛两个国外品种牛。

    The local cattle 's genetic polymorphism is higher than the foreign cattle .

  25. 安格斯:不。最重要的是要赢得这次比赛。

    Angus : no , the most importnt thing was winning the contest .

  26. 湖北省从新西兰美都斯丽公司通过胚胎移植引进安格斯牛品种.该文报道了第1批冻胚移植的初步试验结果。

    This report is about the experiment of embryo transfer of beef cattle Angus .

  27. 安格斯:我也一样,我们最好是排练一些圣诞颂歌吧!

    Angus : me , too . now , we better rehearse some carols !

  28. 季节对放牧条件下安格斯和海福特肉牛超数排卵的影响

    Seasonal Effect on Superovulation of Angus and Hereford Beef Cows under Natural Grazing Conditions

  29. 安格斯:对啦,是时候该我们演唱爵士音乐了。

    Angus : yeah . it 's about time we did some jazz songs .

  30. 安格斯其实是很喜欢惹恼安吉的姑姑。

    Angus actually enjoys annoying Angie 's aunt .