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  • 网络choi jin sil;Choi Jin-sil;ChoiJinSil
  1. 在它看来,人们因为不愿意丢掉工作而害怕谈论有关精神的问题。李先生解释:更多的人可能会因为崔真实的自杀而寻求心理治疗。

    More people will probably seek treatment because of Choi 's death , explains Lee .

  2. 崔真实因为她1997年在韩剧《星梦奇缘》中的角色为中国观众熟知。

    Choi became popular among Chinese audiences for her role in " Wish Upon A Star " in1997 .

  3. 无论什么动机致使崔真实自杀,对其死因的担忧引起了一系列的连锁反应。

    Whatever the motivation for her suicide , the actress 's death has raised fears about a ripple effect .

  4. 网络上的言论是这样的,崔真实要求安在焕偿还200万美元的高利贷。

    The word on the Net was that Choi had been pressuring Ahn to repay a loan of some $ 2 million .

  5. 崔真实已经成为了公开的禁忌话题,并在潜移默化的改变着韩国国民对单身母亲的看法。

    Choi spoke openly on the taboo topic and sought to change the unpopular public perception of single moms in South Korea .