
  • 网络trinity
  1. 崔妮蒂并不存在,哥们。他不是真的。

    Trinity doesn 't exist , man . he 's not real .

  2. 这个黑客化名叫崔妮蒂。这是我们知道的一切。

    This hacker goes by the alias trinity . that 's all we know .

  3. 电影画面切换到崔妮蒂和密探的对打,然后又回到建造者的房间。

    Scene cuts to Trinity fighting an agent , and then back to the architects room .

  4. 然而,他的内在视像引领他去指引崔妮蒂抵达安全及漂亮清晰的天空,然后再跟史密夫决战。

    But his inner vision leads him to guide Trinity above the machines to a safe vision of clear and beautiful skies before he descends to do battle with Mr Smith .