
  1. 崔天凯将代表中国,负责亚太事务的美国助理国务卿库特坎贝尔(KurtCampbell)将代表美国。

    Mr Cui will represent China and Kurt Campbell , assistant secretary of state for the Asia-Pacific region , the US .

  2. 崔天凯在首尔表示:我们在尽力避免汇率战争,但它需要G20所有成员国的努力,而不只是中国一家。

    We are doing our best to avoid that but it will require the effort of all the G20 members , not China alone , Mr Cui said in Seoul .

  3. 外交部副部长崔天凯称沉船事件“很不幸”,但是拒绝发表更多评论。

    Vice-Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai called the sinking " unfortunate " but refused to comment further .

  4. 崔天凯大使在亚洲协会颁奖晚宴上的致辞2013年6月12日

    Remarks by Ambassador Cui Tiankai at the Asia Society 2013 Washington Awards Dinner June 12 , 2013

  5. 展望未来,崔天凯表示,对于中国和美国来说,合作是唯一正确选择。

    Looking into the future , Cui said that cooperation is the only right option for China and the U.S.

  6. 中国驻美国大使崔天凯在美国中国总商会新年晚宴上发表了讲话。

    Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai addressed the annual New Year Gala of the China General Chamber of Commerce - USA.

  7. 崔天凯无视越南和菲律宾呼吁美国介入以化解紧张局势的要求,并告诫华盛顿“应以非常谨慎的方式处理这些问题”。

    S.to play a role in resolving those tensions , admonishing that Washington should'approach such issues in a very prudent way .

  8. 崔天凯的发言得到了双方商界领袖的积极响应,他们不约而同地强调了中美关系稳定的重要性。

    Cui 's remarks were echoed by business leaders from both sides , who stressed the importance of a stable China-US relationship .

  9. 崔天凯表示,希望美国能用耐心正确、客观地认识与中国的关系。

    Cui Tiankai says he hopes that the U.S. can use its patience to properly and objectively learn about its ties with China .

  10. 崔天凯表示,他相信个别国家在玩火,他希望美国不要引火烧身。

    I believe that individual countries are actually playing with fire , and I hope that fire will not be drawn to the United States .

  11. 外交部事务助理崔天凯将新领事馆的设立称之为中巴多维关系中的一个纪念性的日子,并称之为一座服务于双边的桥梁。

    Foreign Affairs Assistant Minister Cui Tiankai termed it a memorable day in Pak-China multi-dimensional relations , saying a consulate will serve as a bridge to link the two communities .

  12. “我认为关于经常账务的讨论偏离了主题。”崔天凯在中国官方高级官员第一次就此事发表评论时说。

    " We believe a discussion about a current account target misses the whole point ," he added , in the first official comment by a senior Chinese official on the subject .

  13. 在一位美国市长称自已于去年11月(早于武汉报道的首例感染病例一个月)就感染了新冠病毒后,崔天凯随即发表上述言论。

    Cui Tiankai made the remarks immediately after a U.S. mayor claimed that he had contracted the novel coronavirus back in November , a month before the first infection was reported in Wuhan .

  14. “正如我们在中国说的,精神上的东西可以转变成物质上的东西,”外交部副部长崔天凯在描述两国关系进步的价值时说道。

    " As we say in China , spiritual things can be turned into material ones ," said Cui Tiankai , vice minister of foreign affairs , describing the value of improved relations .

  15. 崔天凯表示,提出一个共享天然气矿藏的“可行方案”,而两国不必就领土或法律问题让步,这种可能性是存在的。

    Mr Cui said it should be possible to come up with a " practical formula " that would allow the two countries to share gas reserves without ceding ground on territorial or legal questions .

  16. 崔天凯在华盛顿举行的中文媒体联合记者会上表示,国际社会不允许安倍破坏战后秩序,绝不允许安倍将日本带回军国主义道路。

    In a joint interview with Washington-based Chinese-language media , Cui Tiankai says the international community should not allow Abe to disrupt the post-war order and lead Japan back to the catastrophic path of militarism .

  17. 中国驻美国大使崔天凯表示,现阶段中美双方加强地区级合作尤为重要,他同时重申,合作才是两国唯一的正确选择。

    Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Cui Tiankai says it is more important than ever for the U.S. and China to strengthen sub-national ties , reiterating that cooperation is the only right option for the two countries .

  18. 中国外交部副部长崔天凯说,日本企图无视历史事实,否认中国对钓鱼岛的主权是一厢情愿的想法,他呼吁东京方面与北京进行谈判。

    Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai says Japan 's attempt to deny China 's sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands by ignoring historical fact is a one-sided wish , urging Tokyo to start serious talks with Beijing .

  19. 在谈及美国在缓解中日争端方面发挥的作用时,崔天凯表示,“美国能做的最有帮助的事情就是真正做到保持中立,不持立场。”

    As to what role the United States can play in helping resolve the China-Japan dispute , Cui Tiankai said that " the most helpful thing the U.S. could do is to remain truly neutral , to take no side . "

  20. 在谈及华盛顿方面对安倍参拜靖国神社的行为表示失望及美日同盟问题时,崔天凯表示,作为负责任的大国,华盛顿方面在重大原则问题上当然也应该有负责任的立场。

    Commenting on Washington 's expression of disappointment with Abe 's shrine visit and reiteration of its alliance with Japan , Cui Tiankai says , as a responsible power , Washington should take a responsible stand on major issues of principle .

  21. 崔天凯在莫斯科接受记者采访时表示,日本否认两国老一代领导人在钓鱼岛问题上达成的搁置争议方案的共识,是对历史事实的漠视。

    He 's told reporters in Moscow that Japan 's denial of the consensus reached by the leaders of older generations of the two countries to " put aside the disputes " over the islands is an act of disregarding historical fact .

  22. 崔天凯表示,当今世界不确定性增多,经济重建需求剧增,中国与美国应该共同协作,做出正确决断,为全世界做出表率。

    Cui Tiankai said that in today 's world where there are growing uncertainties and pressing need for economic restructuring , China and the United States should work together and make all the right choices and show the way forward to the world .

  23. 出席晚宴的嘉宾包括委员会会长斯蒂芬·欧伦斯,前美国国务卿亨利·基辛格,中国驻美国大使崔天凯、美中关系全国委员会主席卡拉·希尔斯。

    The event has included Committee President Stephen Orlins , former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger , China 's Ambassador to the United States , Cui Tiankai , and the Chair of National Committee on U.S. - China Relations , Carla Hills , among others .

  24. 中国驻美国大使崔天凯表示,当前中美关系处于非常关键的时刻。崔天凯还表示,中美两国今天作出的抉择,不仅将决定两国关系,也将塑造世界的未来。

    Chinese ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai says China-U.S. relations are at " a very critical moment . " Cui also says the choices the two countries make today will not only shape their bilateral relations , but also the future of the world .

  25. 在被问及美国有关限制经常账户盈余的提议时,中国外交部副部长崔天凯表示,全球经济有许多问题更值得关注,比如定量宽松就是其中之一。

    " If you look at the global economy , there are many issues that merit more attention for example , the question of quantitative easing , " said Cui Tiankai , deputy foreign minister , when asked about US proposals to limit current account surpluses .

  26. 崔天凯警告称,目前日本的挑衅行为,以及否认双方存在的争议,不仅对中日关系有害,而且对东京的长远利益也没有好处,且日本的企图只是一厢情愿的想法,注定会走向失败。

    The Chinese official warned Japan 's current move of making provocations and denying the existence of the disputes will not only harm bilateral relations , but also hurt Tokyo 's long-term interests , adding Japan 's attempt is a one-sided wish and destined to failure .

  27. 崔天凯在美国《外交》杂志网站发表的专访中表示,日方去年单方面宣称将钓鱼岛“国有化”,打破了此前搁置争议的协议,是日方造成了钓鱼岛争端以其紧张局势。

    In an interview published by the U.S. magazine Foreign Affairs on its website , Cui Tiankai blamed Japan for creating the dispute and tensions over the Diaoyu Islands by taking the move to " nationalize " the islands last year , breaking a previous agreement to put the dispute aside .