
  1. 目前,最抢眼的是一对跨国“情侣”,女方是中国模特刘雯,男方是韩国组合SuperJunior的成员崔始源。

    Cross-national couple Liu Wen , a Chinese model , and Choi Si-won , a member of South Korean band Super Junior , is the most eye-catching paring .

  2. 在《我们约会吧》中,崔始源和刘雯的约会堪称理想中的完美典范。

    In " We Are in Love , " Choi and Liu show a perfect example of ideal dating .

  3. 尤其是崔始源看起来很享受他的角色并加入了更多自己的个性。

    Choi Si Won especially seems to be having more fun with his character and bringing more personality to it .

  4. 来自此类节目创始国韩国的崔始源深谙观众的期待。

    Choi , hailing from the country that first created this television formula , obviously knows well what audiences expect .

  5. 我喜欢蔡琳和崔始源在这集里变得对彼此和自己的角色更加舒服的感觉。

    I like how Chae Rim and Choi Si Won seem to be getting more comfortable with each other and their characters in this ep .

  6. 随后,在崔始源生日时,刘雯身穿崔始源送给自己的华丽裙子,为“男友”学做面条。

    Then on Choi 's birthday , Liu learned to cook noodles for her partner , wearing a gorgeous dress that was a gift from Choi .

  7. 初次见面时,刘雯身穿斯特拉•麦卡特尼随意而时尚的裙装、手拿香奈儿限量版化妆包,从教堂的走道上昂首阔步地走向崔始源。

    When they first met , Liu strutted down the imaginary runway to Choi wearing a casual yet trendy dress from Stella McCartney and carrying a limited edition Chanel cosmetic bag .

  8. 今年27岁的吴倩亚(音)是一个狂热的韩剧粉,她说:“林心如和任重之间的尴尬气氛让我想起自己在相亲时的种种经历,而刘雯和崔始源的约会则是我梦寐以求的。”

    Wu Qiaoya , 27 , an enthusiastic fan of Korean TV shows , said : " The embarrassing atmosphere between Lin and Ren reminds me of when I went for a blind date , while Liu and Choi 's dates are what I dream of . "