
  • Ancheng;【地名】【韩国】Anseong
  1. 原来希伯仑城被建造比埃及的锁安城早七年。

    Now Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt .

  2. 今天我们将在他抵达安城之前袭击他。

    We will strike him today before he reaches Onn .

  3. 我们从安城回来后的那星期,芒尼奥就要一百一十八岁了。

    Moneo will be one hundred and eighteen years old in the week after our return from Onn .

  4. 天会二年(1124年)夏六月,金陷平州,安城复名为马城。

    Two days ( 1124 ) Xia Jun , Jin-ping state settlement , the city known as the Maastricht rehabilitation .

  5. 艾德荷快速朝安城望了一眼表示出惊讶,然后突然回头注视着莱托。

    Idaho revealed his surprise in the quick look toward Onn and the sudden return of his gaze to Leto .

  6. 现在需要的是和莱托不间断的谈话,单纯地讨论即将举行的到节庆之城安城的旅行。

    Uninterrupted conversation with Leto was required now , plain talk about the impending peregrination to the Festival City of Onn .

  7. 他俩在薄暮时分离开安城,他领着她来到郊外一间约定好的小茅舍。

    He had led her to the rendezvous in a hovel on the city 's outskirts , leaving Onn just at dusk .

  8. 法老赐名给约瑟,叫撒发那忒巴内亚,又将安城的祭司波提非拉的女儿亚西纳给他为妻。

    Pharaoh gave Joseph the name Zaphenath-Paneah and gave him Asenath daughter of Potiphera , priest of On , to be his wife .

  9. 约瑟在埃及地生了玛拿西和以法莲,就是安城的祭司波提非拉的女儿亚西纳给约瑟生的。

    And unto Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim , which Asenath the daughter of Potipherah priest of On bare unto him .

  10. 以往的研究多着眼于方言岛的外部接触,考察方言岛与周围方言的关系。本文则以浙江安吉县安城地区的河南方言岛为例,探讨方言岛的内部接触与融合。

    Previous studies focused on the external contact of dialect islands , investigating the relationship between dialect islands and the surrounding dialects , while this article deals with the internal contact of dialect islands and mixing of them by taking Henan dialect island in Anji county as an example .

  11. 介绍了上海曹安商贸城大型基坑深基础施工的逆作法施工技术。

    Reverse construction technology for the deep foundation of Shanghai Cao ' an Commercial and Trade City adopting fully-reverse construction process was introduced .

  12. 我讲起去年我在塞尔维亚的“安德里奇城”(Andricgrad)一幅壁画上看到他的照片。安德里奇城是电影导演埃米尔锭斯图里卡(EmirKusturica)发起的一个庞大的建设项目,德约科维奇与他是好友。

    I say that last year I saw his picture on a fresco in the Serbian town of Andricgrad , a massive construction project conceived by the film director Emir Kusturica , with whom Djokovic is friendly .

  13. 爱达克坐落于上海著名的“安亭汽车城”,专门从事汽车产品开发以及装备制造。

    EDAG is located in the famous Shanghai " Anting Auto town ", specialised in product development and production systems .

  14. 它建于公元125年,创建者为罗马皇帝哈德里安,该城创建之前原是一座色雷斯的小城,在不同时期曾被西哥特人、保加利亚人、十字军、土耳其人和俄国人占领。

    It was founded c.ad125 by the Roman emperor Hadrian on the site of an earlier Thracian town and was conquered at various times by Visigoths , Bulgarians , Crusaders , Turks , and Russians .

  15. 试验基地设于安亭国际汽车城污水处理厂,试验用水采用该厂初沉池出水,属于典型城市污水。

    The test base was located at the wastewater treatment plant in Anting international auto town .