
  • 网络value
  1. 关于安全价值工程理论的思考

    Some ideas and discussions on the safety value engineering theory

  2. 安全价值是法律的一个最古老、最基本价值。

    Safety value is the most ancient and basic one .

  3. 安全价值工程与安全效益联立关系研究

    Research for the relationship between safety-valued project and safety benefit

  4. 安全价值理论认识的深化具有很大的现实意义。

    Deepening the cognition on safety value theory has great practical significance .

  5. 自由价值优位性正是相对于安全价值的基础性而言的。

    The superior position of freedom is versus very the basic position of safety .

  6. 预期违约制度与当今社会法律所追求的公正、效益、安全价值目标密切相关。

    Resounding with system of anticipatory breach of contract in Anglo-American genealogy of laws .

  7. 使用负价值理论法和价值工程法可以对安全价值从量上进行初步评价。

    We can evaluate safety value in quantity by using negative value and value engineering method .

  8. 关于安全价值观的探讨

    A Probe into Safety Values

  9. 商业标识统一立法符合效率、秩序和安全价值的内核要求。

    The uniform legislation of commercial mark satisfies essential requests of efficiency and order and safe value .

  10. 粮食安全价值链及实现方式探析

    The Analysis of the Value Chain Related to Food Security and the Method to Carry it Out

  11. 安全价值以显性和隐性两种方式存在,具有公共性和非交换性的特点。

    Safety value shows two styles , surface and latent , and carries public and non-exchange characteristics .

  12. 对群体紧急疏散进行研究,具有极大的现实意义和社会安全价值。

    The study for crowd emergency evacuation is of great practical significance and helpful for social security .

  13. 法的安全价值。

    Security value of law .

  14. 通过人机系统的安全价值、使用价值和经济价值的评价,为构建和谐人机系统关系提供依据。

    In this paper , evaluation index system of human-machine system value was established and weight factors were affirmed by AHP .

  15. 在社会主义法治社会全面实现侦查安全价值,是一项长期而不可或缺的要求。

    In socialism government by law society comprehensively realizes the criminal investigation safety value , is a long-term and indispensable requirements .

  16. 相对于普通社会程序而言,安全价值在公权力运行程序中显得尤为重要。

    Compared with the ordinary social procedure , the security value in the procedure of operation of public power appears especially important .

  17. 本章主要探讨观念交付的效率价值和安全价值,以及观念交付的价值冲突的认识。

    This chapter is main to inquiry into conceptual delivery of efficiency value and safety worth , and conceptual delivery of worth conflict of understanding .

  18. 本文从价值工程的基本概念和分析方法入手,讨论了安全价值分析的各类特性,以及提高安全价值的各种方法。

    From the basic conceptions and analysis methods , We discuss kinds of characteristic of VA , and the way how to improve Safety Value .

  19. 这一时期课程政策的价值取向主要有国家安全价值取向,学生本位价值取向,教育公平价值取向。

    The value orientations of curriculum policy in this period mainly have the national security value orientation , the students based value orientation , the education fair value orientation .

  20. 在侦查法治的进程中实现侦查安全价值,首先应该认识到侦查安全价值实现过程中的阻碍因素。

    In the process of criminal investigation law , first realize criminal investigation safety value should recognize that criminal investigation safety in the process of realizing values obstruction factors .

  21. 就立法前提而言,实现在效益与安全价值之间的衡平与恪守后盾法性质是其立法定位。

    As for the prerequisites , it is the goal to realize the balance between efficiency and safety and it is the rule to keep criminal legislation the last remedy .

  22. 继承法作为民法的重要组成部分,直接关系到公民财产所有权的保护和法的安全价值的体现。

    As an important part of the civil law , inheritance law relates to the protection on the ownership of the private properties and the value for the safety of law .

  23. 侦查安全价值的评价体系不是一成不变的,它随着侦查安全价值的内涵的不断丰富和完善也随之丰富和完善。

    Criminal investigation of the safety value evaluation system is not unchangeable , it along with the connotation of criminal investigation safety value of constantly enrich and improve also will enrich and perfect .

  24. 因此,法定资本制度对社会信用机制的需求程度较低,这就使得信用短缺下法定资本制更有利于实现公司资本制度的安全价值。

    Hence , statutory capital system has less demand for social credit mechanism , which indicates statutory capital system is more propitious to actualize the value of safety with the shortage of credit .

  25. 期待权的存在必然要求具有一定的价值,如安全价值、利益价值、效率价值等,这些也是期待权存在的根据和目的。

    Likewise , the existence of the expectant right must have some values , such as safety , interest and efficiency . These values are regarded as the ground and aim of expectant right .

  26. 对蜜罐的概念、发展历程、安全价值、分类、特点及发展趋势进行了详细的研究与论述。

    To the honey pot concept , the development course , the security value , the classification , the characteristic and the trend of development have conducted the detailed research and the elaboration . 2 .

  27. 公司法的安全价值、效率价值、公平价值都已经被学界广泛探讨,但是却很少有人论及公司法的和谐价值。

    The value of the security law , the value of efficiency and fair value of the scholars have been extensively explored , but very few people discussed the value of the Company Law of Harmony .

  28. 美国的国家海运系统是全世界最先进的海运系统之一,它为美国的全球霸权地位提供了巨大的经济价值和安全价值。

    The U.S. National Marine Transportation System ( MTS ), whose economic and security value contributes greatly to the nation 's global hegemony status , is one of the most advanced maritime systems of the world .

  29. 英美法系的错误理论主要规定在合同法中,它建立在双方利益平衡和交易安全价值基础上,将错误划分为单方错误,双方错误和共同错误。

    The mistake in common system is mainly prescribed in contract law . It is based on the mutual interests balance and transaction safety value and divides mistakes into unilateral mistake , mutual and common mistake .

  30. 摘要人们对于安全价值的认识一直处于感性认识层面,从劳动价值论和效用价值论着手,从理论上简要的分析了安全价值存在的基础。

    It has always been on the layer of sensibility that people recognize the safety value , the paper gives a concise analysis on the foundation of it existing from the viewpoint of labor value and avail value theory .