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  1. 《华尔街日报》记者奥尔巴克(JonAuerbach)在一篇报道中通过1998年易安信公司(EMCCorp)中一位叫查特温(JohnChatwin)的推销员的经历,揭示了薪酬激励可能带来的激励环境。

    The Journal 's Jon Auerbach captured the kind of supercharged environment that pay incentives can create in a profile of a salesman for EMC Corp. named John Chatwin in 1998 .

  2. 结果应用安信纳米烧伤敷料能够更有效地控制创面分泌物渗出。

    Result Nanometer dressings markedly decreased exudation of the wounds .

  3. 安信誓旦旦地保证她将永远不说。

    Ann promised faithfully that she would never tell .

  4. 安娜公主:你可以叫我安信。

    Princess Ann : You may call me Anya .

  5. 且在促进组织再生,加快创面愈合的作用明显优于安信纳米银敷料。

    And it is better in heal-promoting action than the An Xin Nano-silver dressing . 2 .

  6. 安信证券的研究认为,货币条件逐步回归常态,应该是让货币政策逐步回归到金融危机前的水平。

    The research argues that the return to normal monetary conditions demands the currency policies back to the pre-crisis levels .

  7. 两侧创面分别以中药烧伤敷料和安信纳米银敷料进行治疗。

    The tow sides burn wound were cured separately by Chinese materia medica burn dressing and An Xin Nano-silver dressing .

  8. 上海安信光学仪器制造有限公司专业生产光学仪器、实验室仪器和二类医疗器械。

    Shanghai anxi optical equipment manufacture Co. , LTD specializes in the production of optical instruments , lab instrument and the second medical devices .

  9. 安信宾馆是上海安信商业广场中的一个大型集休闲、娱乐、餐饮和酒店于一体的复杂高层建筑。

    Anxin Hotel is a complex high-rise building of Shanghai Anxin Business Plaza , integrating dining , shopping , entertainment , leisure and rest .

  10. 深圳安信证券分析师朱海滨说对未来持续通货膨胀的预期也推动了家庭财产的变化。

    The change in household assets was also being driven by an expectation for continuing inflation , said Zhu Haibin , analyst with the Shenzhen-based Essence Securities .

  11. 安信证券分析师称两家企业的整合将扩大经济规模,更好地与外国企业竞争。

    A merger between the two companies could contribute bigger economies of scale to compete with foreign companies , said Jiang Ming , an analyst from Essence Securities .

  12. 新一轮农业保险试点形成了“安信模式”、“安华模式”、“互助制模式”、“共保体”模式和“安盟模式”等五种模式。

    Five modes of experiments on agricultural insurance have come into being , including Anxin mode , Anhua mode , Mutual mode , Integration insurance mode and Anmeng mode .

  13. 当时,易安信公司对销售人员支付的薪酬总额中,约65%是提成,而且对销售人员能拿到的提成不设上限。

    At the time , the company paid salespeople about 65 % of their total pay in commissions , and put no cap on the commissions they could earn .

  14. 结论安信纳米烧(烫)伤敷料在控制感染、促进愈合方面有良好疗效,且无明显不良反应,是治疗烧伤及其它慢性伤口的比较理想的敷料。

    Conclusion Nanometer dressing tins very good therapeutic effects in controlling wound infection and prompting wound healing without significant side effects and is more desirable dressing for burn and other chronic wounds .