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  1. 高含水期集输系统效率测试分析研究

    Testing and Analyzing Gathering System Efficiency during High Water Cut

  2. 碳酸盐岩中的聚烃期储集空间

    Reservoir space in carbonates during hydrocarbons migrating and accumulating

  3. 探索了低产油田进入高含水期地面集油系统优化改造的实用技术。

    Practical technology of the optimization of surface gathering system in low-production oilfields in high water cut stage is explored .

  4. 二期项目集办公、商业、娱乐为一体,必将成为深圳新的景观和深圳人购物休闲的好去处。

    Once completed at the end of next year , it will combines office , shopping and entertainment to offer Shenzhen citizens another rendezvous destination .

  5. 深埋藏阶段是聚烃期储集空间形成的主要过程,形成的储集空间是烃类聚集的有效空间。

    Deep buried stage is the main forming process of reservoir space during hydrocarbon accumulating stage . This space is the efficient space for hydrocarbon accumulation .

  6. 到2003年,双方共出版了三期论文集,其中的一部分文章就对中俄战略协作伙伴关系进行了论述和分析。

    By 2003 , both sides have published three collections of treatises in all ; some of the treatises discuss and analyze the Sino-Russian Strategic and Cooperative Partnership .

  7. 建立了光滑无限的现货&金融市场模型,考虑经纪人债券持有的非线性约束,假设1期状态集为紧流形S,并证明了此模型金融均衡的存在性。

    Establish a smooth infinite spot-financial markets model , admit the nonlinear constraints on households ' portfolio holdings , define a compact manifold S of states set , and prove the existence of the financial equilibrium .

  8. 研究区砂砾岩储层整体处于中成岩A期,储集空间类型以次生孔隙和孔隙-裂缝复合系统为主。

    Sandy conglomerate reservoir of this area is in middle diagenesis stage A.Solution pore and pore-fracture compound system are the main reservoir spaces .

  9. 两活动期的前集进程一致,但第4活动期的后集要明显比第3活动期的进程快。

    The fore volume process of two active periods is uniform , but the back volume process of the 4th active period is obviously fast than the 3rd active period .

  10. 随着油田进入特高含水期,原油集输热力系统自耗天然气导致开采成本呈上升趋势。

    Since the field is now in its extra-high water cut period , the consumption of natural gas for the collection and transportation of oil causes the recovery costs to rise continuously .

  11. 基体的强度和弹性模量从零开始增加,到一定龄期后接近集料分散相,对于轻集料混凝土,基体的强度和刚度在一定龄期还将超过集料分散相。

    The strength and modulus of elasticity of matrix increase from almost zero , then at a certain age up to those of the coarse aggregate , and even exceed for lightweight concrete .

  12. 通过研究,认为单管不加热集油工艺可以应用在低产油田进入高含水期的地面集油系统调整改造中,可以取得显著的降投资和降成本的效果。

    According to the research , unheated single pipe gathering process can be applied in the adjustments of surface gathering system when the low-production oilfields move into high water cut stage . The investment and cost can be reduced remarkably due to this .

  13. 围手术期血清粒细胞集落刺激因子测定的临床意义

    Detection of Serum Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor Perioperatively and Its Clinical Value

  14. 获取目前为止进程生存期的峰值工作集。

    Gets the peak working set for the lifetime of the process to date .

  15. 这些研究结果来自法国学者进行的一项前瞻性,多中心队列研究,相关结果发表在五月期皮肤科文献集。

    These results from a prospective , multicenter cohort study by French researchers were reported in the May issue of the Archives of Dermatology .

  16. 鄂尔多斯盆地南部加里东期风化壳储集层的分布主要受岩溶古地貌、风化壳层位及沉积相控制。

    The distribution of Caledonian residuum reservoirs in the south of Ordos Basin is mainly controlled by karst palaeogeomorphology , strata of residuum and sedimentary facies .

  17. 1960年,第一期《和顺小戏集》出版,该书收集编入了7个剧目、24首曲牌;

    In1960 , the first phase of the " small show Heshun collection " publication , the book collection into the seven operas , 24 Qupai ;

  18. N一n期、拔节期茎集数及其组成与N一n期、拔节期和抽穗期LAI关系密切。

    Number and constitution of stems and tillers at N-n and elongating stage had close relationship with LAI of N-n .

  19. 由于缺乏对特高含水采油期油气水混输水平管路压降的研究,制约了高含水采油期不加热集输规模的扩大。

    Lacking the data of the pressure drop for mixed oil-gas-water transportation horizontal pipeline , large scale transportation of products with high water cut without heating is restricted .