
  • 网络Hospice Care;palliative care
  1. 结论安宁疗护更适用于老年慢性非传染性疾病患者的护理。

    Conclusions The hospice care is more proper to be applied to the nursing of senior patients with chronic non-infectious diseases .

  2. 我访问一位亲爱的年轻朋友,在安宁疗护的单位,在我们当地的医院。

    I was visiting a dear young friend in the palliative care unit in our local hospital .

  3. 她在新奥尔良安宁疗护所工作。

    She works down at the hospice in new orleans .

  4. 至于宗教与安宁疗护之相关,有待后续的研究进一步深入探讨。

    In the case of correlation between religion and hospice , waiting for follow-up researchers to further study .

  5. 曾担任过医院志工的医学生较不愿意参与安宁疗护志工工作;

    Medical students with previous hospital volunteer experience did not indicate greater willingness to serve as a hospice volunteer .