
  • 网络safety coupling
  1. 液压安全联轴器在主轧机上的应用实践

    Application Practice of the Hydraulic Safety Coupling in Main Rolling Stand

  2. 液压安全联轴器及其在轧钢设备中的应用

    Hydraulic Safety Coupling and Its Application in Mill Equipments

  3. 钢球式软启动安全联轴器的性能分析

    Performance analysis on the shaft coupling with the steel ball soft starting

  4. 一种新型安全联轴器&液压安全联轴器的研究

    Study on a new kind of safety coupling the torque limiting safety coupling

  5. 液压安全联轴器在轨梁厂万能生产线热锯机上的应用

    The application of hydraulic safety coupling in the hot saw machine of Rail-beam Plant

  6. 液压安全联轴器是具有过载保护功能的一种新型摩擦联轴器的一种;

    Hydraulic safety coupling is a new friction clutch to protect from over load .

  7. 液压安全联轴器是八十年代初瑞典的专利产品。

    The hydraulic safety coupling is a patent product of sweden in the early ′ 80s .

  8. 节能安全联轴器由带叶片的转子、定子和钢球组成,经配套设计后安装于电动机与抽油机减速器之间。

    A combination of rotor with expellers , stator , and steel ball is designed and installed between the electric motor and pumping unit .

  9. 分析了液压安全联轴器在轨梁厂万能生产线热锯机上的应用,阐述了液压安全联轴器的结构特点、工作原理、设计选型要求、技术特性及其优点。

    The article analyzes the application of hydraulic safety coupling in the hot saw machine of Rail-beam Plant , expounds its structural features , operational principle , design requirements , technical characteristics .

  10. 结合工程实例对弹性柱销安全联轴器的安全性及参数的选取作了详细的阐述,指出其在低转速、高转矩的传动设备中使用,可取得很好的效果。

    The safety of the safe coupling with elastic dowel pin and selection of its parameters are described in detail in combination with the project example , it is pointed out that good result can be obtained if it is applied in driving equipment of low speed and high torque .

  11. 安全销联轴器的设计计算通常是依据传统的强度理论进行的,认为公式中的参数皆为常量,这往往会造成实际情况与设计意图不符。

    Safety pin coupling is usually used in some important equipment . The calculation and the design was based on the traditional strength theory , which could make difference between the practical damage and the design .

  12. 其中,提高电动机负载率的途径有采用Y&△转换启动器、调压节电器、变频调速电动机、双速电动机和安全节能联轴器等。

    One of them is to increase the load rate of the electric motor , including the use of Y - △ starter , voltage regulating device , variable frequency motor , two-speed motor or energy-saving coupling .

  13. 指出限扭矩联轴器是一种安全可靠的联轴器,可以广泛应用于现代自动化机器设备中。

    This paper points out which torque limiter coupling is a safety coupling of its kind widely used in modern automatic machines and equipment .