
  • 网络Reflection Principle
  1. RFID技术是一种基于电磁波耦合或反射原理的非接触式自动识别技术,通过与计算机通信技术进一步结合可以形成一个连通物流及信息流的物联网。

    RFID is a Non-contact automatic identification technique based on the coupling of electromagnetic wave or the reflection principle . It will construct the Internet of things , which connects the logistics and information flow , with combine of the computer communication technology .

  2. 本文主要用格路,Dyck路和反射原理证明序列的对数凸性和对数凹性及其相应的q-对数凸性和q-对数凹性,并得到一些新的保对数凸性的线性变换。

    In this thesis , we show how lattice paths , Dyck paths and the Reflection Principle can be used to give combinatorial proofs of log-convexity and log-concavity of sequences , as well as q - log-convexity and q-log-concavity .

  3. 设计了一种基于全内反射原理和光生载流子注入效应的X结全内反射(TIR)全光开关。

    A photo-induced carriers injection effect all optical switch was designed .

  4. 通过解析光的衰减全反射原理,推导出Kretschmann模型的SPR传感器的反射率公式。

    Based on the theory of attenuated total reflection of light , the reflectance equation of Kretschmann SPR sensor was derivated .

  5. 文中分析了目前存在的各种光纤光栅的解调方案的优缺点,结合对光纤光栅反射原理的理论分析,在马赫-曾特(M-Z)干涉解调法的基础上提出一种相关取样的方法。

    In this article , with the analyzing of advantage and disadvantage of all kinds of FBG demodulation scheme and the mechanism of FBG reflection , a new scheme named correlated sampling is advanced base on so called unbalanced M-Z interferometric demodulation technique .

  6. 提出一种基于光时域反射原理(ODTR)和分布式光纤传感原理实现输油管道泄漏安全实时监测的技术。

    A real-time monitoring technology for safety and leakage of oil pipeline based on theories of optical time domain reflectometer ( ODTR ) and the distributed optical fiber sensor were introduced .

  7. 基于薄膜理论的受抑全内反射原理研究

    A Study of Frustrated Total Internal Reflection Based on Film Theory

  8. 论文从理论和实验上分别对基于受抑全内反射原理的单光纤传感头进行了分析。

    The single fiber sensor head was investigated experimentally and theoretically .

  9. 基于光纤受抑全内反射原理的高精度液位传感器研究

    Optical Fiber Frustrated-total-internal-reflection Based on High Accuracy Liquid Level Sensor

  10. 利用全反射原理测定水的折射率

    To Determine the Refractive Index of Water by Using Total Reflection Principle

  11. 数学解题中反射原理的应用

    Application About the Principle of Reflection in Solving Mathematics Problem

  12. 基于全反射原理的圆台压平棱镜设计与应用实验

    Experiment on design and application of applanation prism based on total reflection principle

  13. 气泡检测器是基于光的全反射原理。

    The optical bubble-detector is based on the principle of total internal reflection .

  14. 大部分天文望远镜都是运用的焦点星光的反射原理。

    MOST astronomical telescopes employ reflection to focus starlight .

  15. 用边界反射原理计算双包层光纤的吸收效率

    Calculating the absorption efficiency of double-clad fiber based on the theory of boundary reflection

  16. 基于临界反射原理的精密角位移测量

    Angular Displacement Measurement Based on the Internal-reflection Effect

  17. 提出了一种适用于智能天线技术的新的基于分层几何单反射原理的连续时间时变矢量信道传播模型。

    A new geometrically based layered single bounce statistical spatio-temporal vector channel model is proposed .

  18. 一种利用光反射原理测量小位移的新方法

    A New Method for Small Displacement Test and Measurement Based on the Light Reflection Theory

  19. 本文利用反射原理对障碍期权的定价问题进行了简化,从而最终给出障碍期权的定价公式。

    This paper presents the formulas of pricing barrier options , using the reflection principle .

  20. 基于传输反射原理的散射参数反演材料电磁参数的新方法

    An New Method of Determining Permittivity and Permeability by Scattering Coefficients Based on NRW Theory

  21. 基于反射原理的服务发现中间件SLRM研究

    Service Lookup Middleware-Based Reflective Principles-SLRM

  22. 采用诱导反射原理设计了一种膜系简单、制备容易的金属-介质反射滤光片结构。

    A simple and easy realized metal-dielectric thin-films structure is designed through the method of induced reflection .

  23. 研制了一种新型的利用激光光束反射原理的全光纤弹速测量系统。

    A novel All Fiber Optical Beam Reflectance ( AFOBR ) system for measuring project velocity in gas-gun is developed .

  24. 利用冲击波在材料界面处的透射、反射原理,给出了正确的界面应力换算方法;

    The calculating methods of thermal shock waves at material interface are given , according to the reflecting and transmitting principle .

  25. 此装置利用了微波反射原理,其中没有对温度或频率敏感的元件。

    In this instrument microwave reflection method is used and there is no any component which sensitive to temperature or frequency .

  26. 根据行波的折反射原理,对故障行波进行网格法分析。

    According to refraction and reflection principle of traveling wave , the faulty traveling wave is analyzed by the grid method .

  27. 根据波的无反射原理,并根据与边界条件相关的波动输入方法,比较了粘性边界、粘-弹性边界和自由场边界条件的精度。

    The computing precision of three type artificial boundaries such as viscous boundary , viscous-spring boundary and free-field boundary is compared .

  28. 详细讨论了回归反光型服装辅料的反光特性、光反射原理、该类材料的一般结构,以及这种材料的主要用途。

    The material reflection properties , the reflection theory , the general structure , and the main application are specifically discussed .

  29. 最后,基于光速反射原理研制了一套简单实用的横向测速仪。

    Design of Applied and Simple Velocimeter for SHPB Finally , based on optical reflection principle , a new velocimeter is introduced .

  30. DGC-711系列电缆测试仪是基于时域反射原理的一种智能化仪器,它利用脉冲法、闪络法对电缆故障点有效定位。

    DGC-711H series cable testing instrument based on TDR elements . It using pulse method , flashover method to orientation malfunction position .