
  • 网络tacit knowledge;implicit knowledge
  1. 学生的缄默知识及其显性化的教学策略

    Students ' Tacit Knowledge and Teaching Strategies for Its Figuring Out

  2. 缄默知识视野中的教师专业发展

    The Teachers ' Professional Development in The View of Tacit Knowledge

  3. 交往学习:缄默知识显性化的关键

    Study through Communication & the Key to Explicating and Tacit Knowledge

  4. 数学教育形态的“缄默知识”与“显性知识”的连接

    Connection of Tacit Knowledge and Explicit Knowledge in Mathematics Educational Forms

  5. 对体育教学中的缄默知识及其传递方式的探讨

    The Tacit Knowledge in Physical Education and Its Ways of Transferring

  6. 技术消化中的缄默知识作用

    The tacit knowledge 's performance in the process of technology assimilation

  7. 产业集群技术创新的缄默知识论

    Study on Tacit Knowledge of Industrial Cluster 's Technological Innovation

  8. 缄默知识与大学生实践能力培养

    Tacit knowledge and the cultivation of the college students ′ practical skill

  9. 缄默知识特征及其在教育中的实现途径

    The Characteristics of Tacit Knowledge and its Practising in Education

  10. 内隐认知理论是与缄默知识理论相联系的。

    The Implicit Cognition Theory is related to the tacit knowledge theory .

  11. 论教师的缄默知识对课堂教学的负面影响

    The Reverse Influence of Teacher 's Tacit Knowledge to the Classroom Teaching

  12. 重视学生的个体知识特别是学生个体的缄默知识在教学中的作用;

    Attach importance to student individual knowledge , especially individual tacit knowledge ;

  13. 缄默知识:幼儿教师专业成长的实践性智慧

    Tacit knowledge : practical wisdom of kindergarten teachers ' specialization

  14. 基于信息技术的教师专业缄默知识显性化策略初探

    On Strategy to Dominate Teachers ' Professional Tacit Knowledge Based on IT

  15. 缄默知识理论观照下的新型教学模式构建

    New Teaching Model from the Perspective of Tacit Knowledge Theory

  16. 在教育教学领域内,学生缄默知识的存在是不争的事实。

    There exists the students ' tacit knowledge in the field of education .

  17. 缄默知识理论及其对技术工人培养的启示

    The Tacit Knowledge Theory and Its Revelations to the Cultivation of Technical Workers

  18. 缄默知识理论对语文教学的启示

    The Inspiration of Tacit Knowledge to Chinese Teaching

  19. 缄默知识理论及其化学教育意义

    Tacit Knowledge Theory and its Chemical Instructive Meaning

  20. 虚拟现实与缄默知识的获得

    Virtual reality and the obtainment of tacit knowledge

  21. 从类型上看,可以根据不同的标准对缄默知识进行分类。

    In term of types , TK can be classified according to different standards .

  22. 缄默知识是相对于明确知识而言的,是主体无意识的不能言述的知识。

    Tacit knowledge is complicated and indescribable knowledge , opposite to the definite knowledge .

  23. 透析教师教育行为后的缄默知识

    Tacit Knowledge Behind Teacher s ' Educational Behavior

  24. 内隐学习到的知识和内隐记忆中的知识是缄默知识。

    The knowledge learned through implicit learning and possessed in implicit memory is tacit knowledge .

  25. 语感是一种缄默知识,是学习者通过体验和感受获得的非常个人化的知识。

    Language is a silent and personal knowledge which is experiment and felt by learners .

  26. 国外缄默知识研究述评

    A Commentary on Tacit Knowledge Research abroad

  27. 企业规模与缄默知识流转特征的影响关系为负向,而对缄默知识流转利用和效用程度的影响为正向。

    It effects the characteristics of transferring negatively , but the utilization and use positively .

  28. 缄默知识理论研究对高校英语教学的启示

    Tacit Knowledge Theory on College English Teaching

  29. 缄默知识视阈下初等教育专业实践课程体系的构建探索

    Exploration of Practical Curriculum System in Primary Education Major from the Perspective of Tacit Knowledge Theory

  30. 本文试图指出隐藏在教育行为后的这类缄默知识,并分析它们的负面影响。

    The paper tries to open up some familiar tacit knowledge and analyze its negative influence .
