
bàn jiǎo
  • half-angle;semiangle
半角[bàn jiǎo]
  1. 冠谐模型的截断阶数为8,球冠极位于36°N和104°E,球冠半角为30°。

    The truncation order of the spherical cap harmonic model is 8 , the pole of the spherical cap is at 36 ° N and 104 ° E , and its half-angle is 30 ° .

  2. 半角转动法在裹包执行机构设计中的应用

    The application to half-angle rotating method in the design of wraping execute mechanism

  3. 白皮粉质和半角质小麦中,PPO活性低的品种较多;

    Generally , PPO activity in red wheats was higher than that of white wheats . ( 3 ) There was high ratio of low PPO activity varieties in white and chalky type .

  4. 用Fluent计算流体力学软件对固体火箭发动机喷管流场进行了数值计算,研究了喷管收敛半角、喷管喉部上游圆弧曲率半径和喉部圆柱段长度对喷管流场的影响。

    Nozzle flow field of SRM was numerically simulated with Fluent software . The effects of nozzle convergent half angle , radius of curvature on upstream of throat section and length of throat cylinder on flow field are investigated .

  5. 拉伸基本要素与拉伸模半角关系的研究

    Study on Relationship Between Stretch Basic Elements and Stretching Die Semiangle

  6. 抄送:~~输入所有接收者的邮件地址,中间以半角的分号分隔。

    Cc : ~ ~ Enter recipients , separated by semicolons .

  7. 分析测量普通螺纹牙形半角的方法

    Analysis of the measure method of ordinary thread tooth like half angle

  8. 按半角转动法进行四连杆机构综合的点位原理

    Synthesis of four bar linkage by the point-position principle thru rotating half angle

  9. 抛物型喷管入口扩张半角对推力偏心的影响

    The effects of entrance half angle on the thrust misalignment of parabolic nozzle

  10. 使用螺纹量规标准牙型半角公差的两个问题

    Two Problems of Tolerance in Screw Profile Semiangle for Using National Standard 3934-1983

  11. 保持扫描的半角宽度δφ,线元天线阵列有确定的波束扫描角范围。

    The effective scanning angle range depends on the given half angle width .

  12. 例如,日语片假名字符可以写为全角或半角形式。

    For example , Japanese katakana characters can be written as full-width or half-width .

  13. 中文(繁体)输入法-全角/半角切换

    Chinese ( Traditional ) IME - Shape Toggle

  14. 自动更正已自动将标点符号改为半角字符

    AutoCorrect automatically converted punctuation to half characters

  15. 器件的远场单瓣半角宽度仅为2.4°。

    The full width at half maximum of its far-field-pattern is only 2.4 ° wide .

  16. 把全角替换成了半角。

    Replaced double byte to single byte .

  17. 混炼胶入口压力降和入口自然收敛半角的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation for the entrance pressure drop and entry natural converging half angle of rubber componud

  18. 他们想方设法为全体乘客服务。中文(简体)输入法-全/半角切换

    They go out of their way to serve all the passengers Chinese ( Simplified ) IME - Shape Toggle

  19. 他在用蜡制作独角兽。全角或半角片假名字符不能用作密码。

    He 's modeling a unicorn in wax . Double-byte or single-byte katakana characters cannot be used for password .

  20. 算法首先阐述体绘制和多散射机制,提出并实现了一种半角切片前向多散射的体绘制模型。

    We describe volume rendering and multi-scattering mechanism , and then propose a multi-scattering rendering model using half-angle slice rendering .

  21. 同时采用等效匹配效率法计算和分析了高斯光束受限衍射下的远场发散半角。

    The divergence half-angle for the limited diffraction laser beam is analysised and calculated by the equivalent matching efficiency method .

  22. 径向承载力系数受锥半角的影响较小,受偏移量的影响较大。

    The cone semi-angle has little effect on the radial capacity coefficient , but the offset has heavy influence on it .

  23. 通过试验分析,建立了在不同圆锥头子弹以临界破裂速度正冲击下,金属薄板的破裂模式和子弹圆锥半角及金属薄板材料性能的关系。

    A failure map was established to distinguish these rupture modes according to the cone half-angle of the missile and the target material properties .

  24. 本文介绍一种测量石油螺纹量规的螺旋线、中径、锥度和牙形半角的新方法及装置。

    This paper describes a new method and device for measuring helical line , pitch diameter , taper and half-angle of thread of petroleum thread gauges .

  25. 通过一系列仿真得出了模孔半角对拉拔载荷的影响规律,进而得到了半角的合适取值;

    Based on the simulation results , the influence of different semi-die angles on the drawing load was summarized , and the proper values were found .

  26. 分析了采用半角转动法求中心点和圆周点以进行四杆机构综合的原理和方法。

    The principle and method for quarto-rod can be analyzed as a device simply through rotation of the half angle so as to find the central and circular points .

  27. 在临界破裂速度下(圆板产生破裂的最小速度),对四种不同材料的薄金属圆板在具有不同圆锥半角的圆锥头子弹正冲击下的破裂模式进行了实验研究。

    ∶ At minimum rupture speed ( speed for the impact ), The modes of the rupture of a thin metal circle-plate acted by a conical-nosed missiles striking at its center is investigated by experiment .

  28. 通过对温度场的模拟,确定了转速、锥半角、温升三者的关系,为锥轴承设计及确定转速提供了理论基础。

    Through the simulation of the temperature field make out the relationship of rotate velocity , cone semi-angle and temperature rise , provide the theory basis for the design of conical hydrostatic bearing and make certain its rotation speed .

  29. 区别于普遍采用的空间剖分基策略,该算法的显著优势在于能够运用法向锥半角误差标准有效跟踪曲面的起伏变化,并以此为聚类简化过程提供可靠的全局误差控制。

    The remarkable advantage of this algorithm is that it uses a normal cone semi-angle metric to trace surface curvature variation and provides the clustering simplification process with a reliable global error control , rather than commonly used spatial partition scheme .

  30. 本文提出在投影球内建立锥体单元统计系统,直接计算以产状表示的单元轴线与节理法线的夹角,统计该夹角小于单元锥角半角的数目。

    The method involves directly calculating every one of the angles between each normal to one of the joints and every axis of the conical elements set up in the stereographic projection sphere and comparing the angles with half of the cone angles .