
  1. 常绿-半常绿杨树对磷素的利用特性

    Study on phosphorus nutrition characteristics of three evergreen poplar clones

  2. 东喜马拉雅南翼山地的半常绿阔叶林喜马拉雅山脉中的大山

    A simi-evergreen broad-leaf forest on the south slope of the eastern Himalayas

  3. 福州地区半常绿及落叶杨树无性系引种试验

    An Experiment on Introduction and Cultivation of Exotic Poplar Clones in Fuzhou Area

  4. 美国东南部的一种大的栎木,半常绿;在潮湿地区生长茂盛。

    Large nearly semi-evergreen oak of southeastern United States ; thrives in damp soil .

  5. 一种观赏灌木,用作绿篱,具有半常绿的叶。

    Deciduous semi-evergreen shrub used for hedges .

  6. 一种南非半常绿的小树,有浓密的串状纯猩红色的花和红色种子。

    Small semi-evergreen of South Africa having dense clusters of clear scarlet flowers and red seeds .

  7. 南美洲一种半常绿的树,有奇数羽状的叶片,开金黄色的花,是一种观赏植物。

    Semi-evergreen South American tree with odd-pinnate leaves and golden yellow flowers cultivated as an ornamental .

  8. 这种半常绿小灌木很受欢迎,有许多已命名的栽培品种及杂交品种。

    It is a popular , semi-evergreen garden shrub with many named cultivars and hybrids derived from it .

  9. 热带美洲一种半常绿的树,有开粉红色或玫瑰色花朵的挺直总状花序;用作一种观赏植物。

    Tropical American semi-evergreen tree having erect racemes of pink or rose-colored flowers ; used as an ornamental .

  10. 一种日本灌木,有半常绿的叶和带有臭味的花;常用作绿篱。

    Semi-evergreen Japanese shrub having malodorous flowers ; used extensively for hedges because more likely to stay green that common privet .

  11. 季节性雨林和半常绿季雨林拥有最丰富的稀有物种,因而最有保护价值;

    Seasonal rain forest and semi evergreen monsoon forest are richest in rare species , so these two subtypes of vegetation are most valuable for conservation .

  12. 广泛分布的一个常绿或半常绿小灌木属;美洲;产于欧洲和北非至小亚细亚和中亚。

    Widely distributed evergreen or semi-evergreen shrublets ; america ; europe and North Africa to Asia Minor and central asia ; includes plants often placed in genus crocanthemum .

  13. 2栖息地中植被可划分为半湿润常绿阔叶林(2100~2300m)和中山湿性常绿阔叶林(2400~2600m)两种植被类型。

    The study area could be assigned into Semi-humid Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest ( 2100 ~ 2300m ) and Mid-Mountain Humid Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest ( 2400 ~ 2600m ) .

  14. 滇中喀斯特山地半湿润常绿阔叶林的群落生态学研究

    Community ecology study on Karst semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forest at the central part of Yunnan

  15. 云南石林喀斯特地区半湿润常绿阔叶林附生植物的初步研究

    A preliminary study of epiphytes in semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forest in Stone-forest Karst Region , Yunnan Province

  16. 报告云南鸡足山半湿润常绿阔叶林元江栲群落和高山栲群落植物种间结合的研究结果。

    The paper discusses the interspecific association of the two communities at Jizu Mountain of Yunnan Province .

  17. 对这类森林中11个特有种所隶属的属的分析表明这类植被的温带性质远较该地整体水平为强,也比半湿润常绿阔叶林为强;

    The analysis of the distributions of the 11 species endemic to this forest indicates that the floristic characteristics of this forest is more temperate than that of the whole mountain from the base to the top , and also than that of the semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forest .