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  • 网络Andromeda
  1. 我想,现在有许多人都认为当代的这个新生事物是一头从现代思潮的海洋中冒出来的怪兽,它想要吞噬艺术的安德洛墨达。

    I think there are many persons who look upon this new birth of our times as a sort of monster rising out of the sea of modern thought with the purpose of devouring the Andromeda of art .

  2. 接着,哈德斯杀死了女王,发誓要放出挪威海怪复仇;倘若不献出安德洛墨达,他将摧毁整个阿尔戈斯;

    Hades then kills the queen and swears revenge by releasing Kraken and if Andromeda is not sacrificed then Argos will be destroyed .

  3. 一开始的时候,很多人担心埃博拉会出现变异,成为经空气传播的安德洛墨达菌株,会把我们人类全给灭了。

    Initially , there were a lot of fears that Ebola could mutate to become the airborne Andromeda strain that would wipe us all out .