
  • Andrew;Andrew Carnegie;Paul Andreu;Andrew Beckett
  1. 约翰•桑希尔(JohnThornhill),创新编辑:《安德鲁•卡内基传》(AndrewCarnegie),戴维•纳索(DavidNasaw)著,2006年

    JohnThornhill , innovation editor : Andrew Carnegie , by David Nasaw ( 2006 )

  2. 和一个喜欢把自己当成发展中世界里的安德鲁•卡耐基(AndrewCarnegie)的人见面,这里真的更合适吗?

    Is this a more appropriate venue to meet a man who likes to think of himself as the Andrew Carnegie of the developing world ?

  3. 安德鲁决定独力开办自己的企业。

    Andrew decided to go it alone and start his own business .

  4. 这部电影是由安德鲁∙萨克斯解说的。

    The film was narrated by Andrew Sachs .

  5. 朱莉娅·塞缪尔是安德鲁王子的旧欢之一。

    Julia Samuel was one of Prince Andrew 's old flames .

  6. 飓风“安德鲁”已越过佛罗里达州南端。

    Hurricane Andrew has passed over the southern tip of Florida .

  7. 安德鲁说她是一个瘦骨嶙峋、男人模样的大块头女人。

    Andrew describes her as a large , bony and masculine woman

  8. 安德鲁很快就整理好了手提箱。

    It did not take Andrew long to pack a suitcase .

  9. 安德鲁冲出屋子,大声呼救。

    Andrew rushed out of the house , shouting for help

  10. 安德鲁不禁注意到她有点脸红了。

    Andrew couldn 't help noticing that she coloured slightly .

  11. 昨晚,飓风“安德鲁”进入了墨西哥湾。

    Hurricane Andrew was last night heading into the Gulf of Mexico .

  12. 埃丽卡很和气,不停地念叨着安德鲁的孩子们。

    Erica was friendly and chattered about Andrew 's children

  13. 最后,安德鲁向他们透露了一点信息。

    At last Andrew gave them a crumb of information

  14. 安德鲁狠狠掴了他一巴掌,声音响亮干脆。

    There was a resounding slap as Andrew struck him violently across the face

  15. 安德鲁听到雷切尔给婴儿起的绰号时,不禁高兴得大笑起来。

    Andrew roared with delight when he heard Rachel 's nickname for the baby

  16. 现在安德鲁几乎每星期都来。

    Andrew now came almost weekly to call .

  17. 安德鲁过去只要看见狗,无论在哪里,无论什么狗,都会吓得一动不动。

    Andrew went rigid when he saw a dog , any dog , anywhere .

  18. 安德鲁,你太多疑了。

    Andrew , you have a very suspicious mind

  19. 他温和的态度和悦耳的语调使安德鲁消除了疑虑。

    His gentle manner and honeyed tones reassured Andrew

  20. 安德鲁注意到她在愣神,便问道:“你怎么啦?”

    Andrew noticed her abstraction and asked , ' What 's bothering you ? '

  21. 安德鲁现在推翻了那个说法,说那是自己在情绪低落时说的话。

    Andrew now disowns that statement , saying he was depressed when he made it

  22. 安德鲁在那次事故后就只能呆在轮椅上了。

    Andrew has been left wheelchair-bound after the accident

  23. 克里斯托弗指责我太宠着安德鲁。

    Christopher accused me of mollycoddling Andrew .

  24. 安德鲁,再听一遍好吗?

    Will you listen again , Andrew ?

  25. 安德鲁开始切鸡肉。

    Andrew began to carve the chicken

  26. 安德鲁把他的空罐子捏扁了。

    Andrew crushed his empty can

  27. 飓风安德鲁的风力可能会逐渐减弱,但风速仍在每小时100英里左右。

    Hurricane Andrew may be slowly losing its punch , but its winds are still around 100 miles an hour .

  28. 安德鲁,很抱歉我迟到了。我忘了设闹钟,结果睡过头了。

    I 'm really sorry I 'm late , Andrew . I forgot to set my alarm and I overslept .

  29. 她尊重安德鲁的才智和他在任何情况下都能一语道破的本领。

    She respected andrew 's wisdom , his knack of going directly to the nub of any situation .

  30. 安德鲁的老师形容他温和、腼腆、活跃。

    Andrew ' s teachers described him as gentle , shy and active .