
  • 网络Ann Harbor
  1. 至19世纪初,会安港逐渐衰落,后被其北部的岘港所取代。

    Hoi An at the acme of itssplendour from the beginning of the19th centuries , Hoi An was onthe wane , and then was replaced by Da Nang to its north .

  2. 除了晒日光浴和冲浪,美溪海滩附近还有很多历史遗迹,包括公交车程只有10分钟的会安港,这里有保存完好的商铺和小巷静待你来游览。

    Sunbathing and surfing aside , there are a host of historical sites situated close by including the port of Hoi An which is only 10 minutes away by bus and offers wonderfully preserved merchant houses and small alleyways to explore .

  3. 在建的常州录安洲港,是常州最大的对外开放门户。

    Lu'anzhou port under construction will be the largest gateway to the outside world of Changzhou .

  4. 杰西卡:我们得赶快去安吉利港购物,免得漂亮衣服都卖光了。

    Jessica : Okay , we should go shopping in Port Angeles before all the good dresses get cleaned out .

  5. 清末,安东港开港。

    In the late Qing dynasty , Anton port open port .

  6. 记者在周末无法联系上俊安集团天津港业务的高管请其置评。

    Executives at General Nice operations at the port of Tianjin could not be reached for comment at the weekend .