
  • 网络Anhui University of Finance and Economics;anhui finance and economics university
  1. 该系统在安徽财经大学校园网上测试通过。

    This system had passed the examination on campus network of Anhui University of Finance and Economics .

  2. 这五位年轻女生毕业于位于安徽省蚌埠市的安徽财经大学,主修会计专业。

    The five young women graduated from Anhui University of Finance and Economics , based in Bengbu city in Anhui province , and majored in accounting .

  3. 位于蚌埠的安徽财经大学(anhuifinanceandeconomicsuniversity)商务学院院长江若尘表示,该地区的小型食品加工企业数量已大幅增加。

    Jiang Ruochen , Dean of the business school at Anhui finance and economics university in Bengbu , says the region has seen a big rise in small food-makers .

  4. 构建我国普通高校公共体育教学模式&对安徽财经大学体育选修课教学的探讨

    Forming a University Unique Common PE Teaching Mode Study on Elective PE Course in Anhui University of Finance Economics

  5. 安徽财经大学的21岁学生徐天佐(音译)称:我认为婚纱照是婚礼的一部分,是婚姻的一种象征,只有丈夫和妻子才能拍这样的照片。

    " I believe wedding photos are a part of the wedding process , which is a representation of marriage , and that only husbands and wives should take such photos ," said Xu Tianzuo , 21 , a student at Anhui University of Finance & Economics .