
  • 网络University of Macau;Macau University;UMAC;Universidade de Macau
  1. 澳门大学工商管理学院院长唐理维(GabrielDonleavy)表示:我们谁都没有到过发展得如此之快的地方。

    None of us has ever been in a place that has been developing so fast , says Gabriel Donleavy , dean of the University of Macau 's business school .

  2. 他现在还是澳门大学和墨尔本大学的荣誉教授。

    He is also currently Distinguished Professor at the University of Macau , and Laureate Professor at Melbourne University .

  3. 从VRML到MultiGen/Vega的造型转换与简化&澳门大学虚拟漫游系统实践

    Model Transformation and Simplification from VRML to MultiGen / Vega Practice in a Virtual System of University of Macao

  4. 所有澳门大学教职员和全职学生均可参加。

    All UM staff and full-time students are eligible to participate .

  5. 本指引不足之处,以澳门大学最终决定作实。

    UM reserves the right to make the final decisions on the matters of the scheme .

  6. 本澳建立一个以澳门大学为重点大学的多元高等教育体制,符合澳门的长远战略目标,更是澳门未来发展成败的关键。

    A pluralistic system of higher education centered on Macao University is the key to the future development of Macao .

  7. 最新名单显示香港大学排名第三,澳门大学排名第六。

    The latest list showed that University of Hong Kong ranked third and University of Macao seized the sixth place .

  8. 施振康先生毕业于加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学,并拥有澳门大学工商管理硕士学位。

    Sam is a graduate of the University of British Columbia , Canada and holds an MBA from the University of Macau .

  9. 王一涛教授,澳门大学中华医药研究所,题目:中药药效的系统药理学评价。

    Wang Yitao , Chinese Medical Institution of the University of Macau . Topic : Systemic Pharmacological Assessment of the Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  10. 澳门大学的校徽由一个五座城堡冠顶的盾牌和分别用中葡文书写的「澳门大学」的校名字样组成。

    The emblem of the University of Macau features a five-towered crest encircled by golden rings and the name of the University in Chinese and Portuguese .

  11. 据《泰晤士报》高等教育星期四公布的最新排名,中国的两所大学--香港大学和澳门大学,跻身2016全球大学国际化水平前十名。

    Two Chinese universities , University of Hong Kong and University of Macao , squeezed into the top 10 of the world 's most international universities in 2016 , according to a new list published by Times Higher Education on Thursday .

  12. 在一个典型案件中,原本划给澳门科技大学(macauuniversityofscienceandtechnology)的11.3公顷的土地被转给了一家赌场开发商。

    In one typical case , a 11.3-hectare site originally granted to the Macau University of science and technology was given to a casino developer .

  13. 澳门东亚大学

    University of Asia Oriental , Macau , 1981

  14. 在国际视野(国际教职员工和国际学生人数)和国际合作方面,澳门科技大学排名最高,84%的学生是国际学生。

    In terms of international outlook - numbers of international staff and students , as well as international collaboration - Macao University of Science and Technology ranked highest , where 84 % of students are international .

  15. 介绍澳门的中央图书馆、澳门大学国际图书馆、澳门教科文中心、澳门联合国大学国际软件技术研究所及澳门的文化旅游业。

    Provides information about the Central Library of Macau , the UNESCO Centre of Macau , the United Nations University , etc.