
zōng shī
  • master of great learning and integrity;great master
宗师 [zōng shī]
  • [great master;master of great learning and integrity] 指在思想或学术上受人尊崇而可奉为师表的人

  • 中国文坛的一代宗师

宗师[zōng shī]
  1. 一位越族工匠善于造船,由于工作成绩突出,他得到了越王的信任,被越人尊为造船宗师,享有优厚的待遇。

    There was an artisan of the state of Yue who was good at making boats . Because of his excellent work , the king trusted him very much . He was regarded as a great master of boat making and got munificent1 treatment .

  2. 邱礼涛2010年还曾执导过《叶问前传》(TheLegendIsBorn:IpMan)。该片主要讲述了这位武学宗师的青年岁月。

    Mr. Yau himself has weighed in previously , with 2010 's ' The Legend Is Born : Ip Man , ' which focused on the martial artist 's younger years .

  3. 这篇文章的作者之一,是工作/生活平衡运动的宗师西尔维亚•安•休利特(SylviaAnnHewlett)。

    One of the authors is Sylvia Ann Hewlett , the great guru of the work-life balance movement .

  4. 你还会如印度宗师所教导的那样,去冥想吗?

    You still meditate like our guru in India teach you ?

  5. 其实,他很有可能就是博客的宗师。

    Actually , he 'd likely be a blogging guru .

  6. 在马来西亚,这一天被称为“哈日宗师”,同时这也是马来西亚的一个正常工作日。

    The day is called'Hari Guru'in Malaysia and is a working day .

  7. 宗师塑像矗立在绿树丛中,庄严肃穆。

    Master gu 's statue stands quietly and solemnly within the brushes .

  8. 白酒科学大宗师&深切缅怀酒界泰斗周恒刚先生

    Mourn for ZHOU Heng-gang & Great Master of Liquor Science

  9. 我以前从一个年轻的宗师那学习武术。

    I did martial arts from a young age and studied Zen .

  10. 你对某种武器的使用已达到宗师的水准。

    You are a grandmaster in the use of your choice weapon .

  11. 只有宗师级的玩家可以把他们的名字刻在他们制作的物品上。

    Only grand masters can put their names on the items they create .

  12. 鲁迅与卡夫卡是东西方一代文学宗师。

    Both Luxun and Kafka are great masters of Oriental and Occidental literature .

  13. 这位考古学家对许多英国文坛宗师的坟墓进行了研究。

    The archaeologist researched into the tombs of many of England 's literary great .

  14. 我看过《太极宗师》的电视剧,也自学了几手太极拳。

    " Tai Chi Master " and I 've also learned a little myself .

  15. 食品公司挑战减肥宗师

    Food Firms Take on Dr. Atkins

  16. 他的名字是拉里.金,我们都知道他是脱口秀的宗师级人物.

    Uh , his name is Larry King.We know that he is the guru of talk show .

  17. 佛经翻译史中的两位宗师与他们在译学上的贡献

    Two Masters of Great Learning and Integrity and Their Contribution to the History of Translation of Buddhist Scripture

  18. 索绪尔和维特根斯坦是西方学术史上的两位宗师,他们都将语言视为自己的研究重心。

    Saussure and Wittgenstein , two great masters of western history of ideas , both focus on language .

  19. 对当地穆斯林来说,拿那克宗师超越了宗教身份,因为参加晚祷的基本都是穆斯林;

    For local Muslims , Guru Nanak transcends religious identity as the evening prayer has dominance of Muslims ;

  20. 严贡生说此话,因他弟兄两个在周宗师手里都考的是二等。

    Yan said this because the two brothers had been ranked in the second class by Commissioner zhou .

  21. 许多人在描述冥想时,也总是要提到古鲁(宗师),放松,什么都不想等要素。

    People describing meditation frequently mention elements such as gurus , relaxation , and " thinking about nothing . "

  22. 在他的余生中克里希那穆提一直坚拒他人尝试强加于他的印度教宗师的地位。

    For the rest of his life Krishnamurti insistently rejected the guru status that others tried to foist upon him .

  23. 真正的、本源的创新是由文明宗师在轴心时代对原创型文明类型的创新。

    The real and original innovation were that the original civilization type done by civilization respected master in Axial Ages .

  24. 爱默生在一八三六年说,“这个国家的文人没有人批评,也没有文学上的宗师。”

    " The literary man in this country ," emerson said in1836 ," has no critic and without literary antecedents . "

  25. 故事还探究了功夫对宗师和弟子所要求的极大的耐心、顺从和纪律。

    The story also explores the deep patience , obedience and discipline that kung fu demands on its teachers and students .

  26. “现代管理之父”彼得•德鲁克,是管理界的宗师级人物,被称为“大师中的大师”。

    Peter Drucker , who had been called as " The father of modern management " was management guru industry level figures .

  27. 在近代历史上,严复不仅仅是一位著名的思想家,还是翻译界的一大宗师。

    In the recent history , Yan fu is not only a famous thinker , but also is a special master of translation .

  28. 人们通常将耶稣与佛、孔夫子、默罕默德等人一同并列为“道德宗师”。

    People often class Jesus as a " great moral teacher " on par with people such as Buddha , Confucius and Mohammed .

  29. 我很确信马克吐温也可以成为优秀的博客。其实,他很有可能就是博客的宗师。

    And there 's no doubt in my mind that he would make an excellent blogger . Actually , he 'd likely be a blogging guru .

  30. 章子怡在片中饰演武学高手宫二,宫二是北方一位八卦掌宗师的独生女。

    The film also stars Zhang Ziyi as Gong Er , a skilled kung fu expert and the daughter of a martial-arts master from northern China .