
  • 网络official cuisine
  1. 官府菜,汇集了全国各地的地方菜系,经几代厨师的潜心整理、改良、提炼而成。

    Officer authorities vegetables , Gather whole vegetables department in the place of everyplace , Generation of does the heart tidy up , improve , lift And become .

  2. 酒店内餐饮功能齐全,设有500个餐位,可经营官府菜、江湖菜及地方特色美食、会议自助餐、婚宴寿宴等;

    The hotel is all functioned , It has500 seats , and can serve official food , quack Gourmet dishes and local specials , the meeting buffet , and wedding ceremony .

  3. 国宴大师阳合初的亲传高徒王飞龙亲自执掌官府菜,真正将御宴带到百姓之家;

    Chef Wang Feilong who is the State-Banquet Master Yang Hechu 's apprentice , cooks Guan Fu Cuisine ( Imperial-style food ) for you in person , bringing real Royal Banquet to people 's homes .