
yào bǔ bù rú shí bǔ
  • Diet cures more than the doctors;Food cures better than medicine
药补不如食补[yào bǔ bù rú shí bǔ]
  1. 药补不如食补。

    It 's preferable to eat foods than to take medicinal tonics .

  2. 天然食品的营养比人工补品的好,因此,俗话说:药补不如食补。

    Natural food excels an artificial tonic in nutrition , as the proverB says : Dietary nourishment is Better than medicinal nourishment .

  3. “食物的药用功能”(药补不如食补)是朋友通过电邮寄给我的几个美丽幻灯片中的一个英文新年祝贺幻灯片。

    Foreword : " Food as Medicine " is one of the beautiful PowerPoint in English was send from my friends for greeting of the New Year by E-mail .